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POS Configuration
POS Configuration

Lunchbox 2.0 POS Integration Information

Aloha BSL Configuration (LB 2.0)

The following will help to guide you in onboarding with the Aloha BSL Integration on the Lunchbox 2.0 Platform.

1a - Request Data Access (NCR Aloha BSL- LB 2.0)
1b - Site Service Provisioning Format Request (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
1c - Create Lunchbox User Access (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
1d - Refresh POS Data (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2a - Configuring the Lab Location Info (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2b - Set Location Delivery Area (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2c - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering, & Aggregation Order Modes/Service Types/Dining Options (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2d - Create Revenue Centers (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2e - Confirm Tax Rates Native, Catering & Aggregation (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2f - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering & Aggregation Tender Types (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2g - Creating a Loyalty Discount & Non Loyalty Discounts (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2h - Creating Service Charges (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2i - Create a Delivery Driver Arrival Time Open Item (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2j - Creating an Uplift for Order Aggregation (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2k - Create Cart Upsells/Packing Instructions for Order Level Pick Lists (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2l - Setting Up Your Open $ Tax Not Included Menu Item
2m - Setup Aloha Menu Service (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2n - How to 86 Items & Modifiers (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2o - Configure interface Employees & Interface Server Terminals for Order Ingestion (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2p - Prep Times & Order Throttling Times & Order Firing/Printing Behavior (Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2q - Placing & Voiding Test Orders (Aloha BSL 2.0)
Toast Configuration (LB 2.0)

This documentation will cover setting up your Toast POS to work seamlessly with the Lunchbox 2.0 Dashboard. Please follow each step carefully for setting up your integration, location & menu to ensure a smooth launch with your Lunchbox product.

1. Set Up POS Access (Toast)
1a Part 1 - Adding the Lunchbox Integration (Loyalty & Tender) (Toast)
1a Part 2 - Enabling the Loyalty and Tender API
1b - Create Lunchbox Job Code (Toast)
1c - Create Lunchbox Employee for New Accounts (Toast)
1d - Assigning a Front End Login (Toast)
1e - Grant Access to Multiple Locations (Toast)
1f - Grant POS Permissions To Multiple Restaurant Groups (Toast)
1g - Assign Job Code to Multiple Locations (Toast)
1h - Publish Configuration (Toast)
2. Onboarding A Restaurant To Toast (Toast)
2a - Confirm Location Info (Toast)
2b - Set Location Native Ordering Delivery Area (Toast)
2c - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering & Aggregation Dining Options (Toast)
2d - Create Toast Revenue Centers (Toast)
2e - Confirm Tax Rates Native, Catering & Aggregation (Toast)
2f - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering & Aggregation Payment Options (Toast)
2g - Creating a Loyalty Discount & Non Loyalty Discounts (Toast)
2h - Creating Service Charges (DELIVERY ONLY) (Toast)
2i - Creating a Delivery Driver Arrival Time Item
2j - Create An Uplift Open $ Tax Included Menu, Menu Category & Menu Item in Toast
2k - Create Cart Upsells/Packing Instructions for Order Level Pick Lists (Toast)
2l - Create An Open $ Tax Not Included Menu Item in Toast for Taxed Admin Fees
2m - Review Menu Configuration (Toast)Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. The following article explains how to setup your Toast Menu for Lunchbox 2.0
2n - How to 86 Items & Modifiers (Toast)
2o - Setup Up Your Order Auto Fire Device
2p - Prep Times & Order Throttling Times & Order Firing/Printing Behavior
2n - Voiding Test Orders (Toast)
2o - Tip Reporting & Reconciliation
2p - Pulling Sales Reports (Using the Same Pickup & Delivery GUIDs for In Store & Lunchbox)
4g - Create Discounts & Coupons (Toast)
4q - Overriding the Toast Order # with the Lunchbox Order #
4p - Set Item as Deferred Revenue
2u - Create An Open $ Non Taxed Menu Item in Toast to Separate Delivery Driver Tips that are Sent to POS (Toast - LB 2.0)