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1b - Create Lunchbox Role & Job (Brink)
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

Let’s begin by creating a job code called Lunchbox Team Member for the new Lunchbox employee.

Note: This next step should only be done if the employee doesn’t exist in another location in the restaurant partner’s Brink Establishment. Otherwise, simply add the user to the new location.

Create Lunchbox Role

Step 1: Begin by navigating to the account-specific URL to access the Brink Dashboard clicking the Configuration drop-down > Roles on the left-hand side of the screen.

Note: Roles control the areas and functions of the Admin Portal and Settings Editor that a user (see Users) can access. Ranks can be assigned to roles to limit which users a given user can view or edit.

Step 2: Roles are created by clicking the + New Role button in the upper right to open the Role configuration page.

Step 3: The following information needs to be filled out for the new role you are creating…

  • Name: Lunchbox Team Member

  • Rank: The rank of the role. Rank 0 is always the highest rank. Users of Rank 0 can view and edit all other users.

  • All General - Checked

  • All Reports - Checked

  • All Settings - Checked

Step 4: Click “Save” in the small window to save the job.

Creating Lunchbox Job

Users are people who can log in and access the Admin Portal. Access limitation is controlled by assigning Jobs to the employee (see Step 1b).

Step 1: Begin by navigating to the account-specific URL to access the Brink Dashboard and click the Staff drop-down > Jobs on the left-hand side of the screen. Click Jobs on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 2: Click New Job.

Step 4: Adjust the following fields on the General tab to ensure that the job has been added correctly.

  • Name - Lunchbox Team Member

  • Department / Export Code - Leave Blank

  • External ID - Leave Blank

  • Order Entry Type - Quick Service

  • Default Security Level - Manager

  • Default Lane For Orders - N/A

  • Limit Destination For Orders - N/A

  • Section - N/A

  • Login Checkboxes - Check all

  • Options Checkboxes - Check all except for:

    • This Job is for Training Purposes

    • Exclude from Sales and Labor Report

    • Cannot Close Orders

    • Requires Approval to Clock In

    • Requires Approval to Clock Out

  • Delivery Checkboxes - Leave all unchecked

  • Table Service Checkboxes - Check all except for:

    • No Cash Transactions

    • Requires Approval to Check Out

Leave the rest of the fields with the default behaviors (Labor Scheduler Display Color, Limit Break Type Options, Job Discount Options)

Step 5: Click Save

Step 6: The Screens and Menus tabs do not require selection

Note: Menus can be edited from Configurations without selection in the job field.

Once you have created the Lunchbox Job, an email will be sent [email protected] and you will need to reset the password. Please check in 1Password or with Configurations if you don’t already know the Lunchbox shared password. That will look like this:

Note: The client name may not be included on the Brink POS Admin Portal Password email. Once you log in, save the updated password to 1Password and confirm the location names from the Dashboard page (Home dropdown)

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