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All CollectionsPOS ConfigurationAloha BSL Configuration (LB 2.0)
2a - Configuring the Lab Location Info (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2a - Configuring the Lab Location Info (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
Written by Mark Robert Turner
Updated over a month ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

The following needs to be configured in your Aloha Lab before beginning the integration.

  • Time sync set up on BOH (Recommendation is Google for time sync)

  • Aloha Takeout Order Manager on BOH is required at minimum and must be setup for Web Ordering

  • Labs and Restaurants should have Aloha Take Out on front of house and back of house installed (this is preferred)

  • UnitPriceOverride should be enabled

  • EnablePriceOverride should be enabled

  • UseTakeoutPrice should be enabled

Setting environment variables for BSL ordering

The Aloha system is sometimes configured with a .bat file that sets specific environment variables prior to launching the Front-of-House. With this method, the Front-of-House (Iberqs.exe or Iber.exe) launches with the ‘Radiant Takeout and Delivery’ service and runs under a service context. You must set the following system environment variables:

  • Iberdir=C:\AlohaQS for Quick Service installations or IberDir=C:\Aloha for Table Service installations.

  • IberRoot=AlohaQS for Quick Service installations or IberRoot=Aloha for Table Service installations.

  • LocalDir=C:\AlohaQS for Quick Service installations or LocalDir=C:\Aloha for Table Service installations. *

  • MasterCapable=False *

  • NumTerms=n, where n is the total number of physical terminals.

  • Server=n, where n is the computer name.

  • ServerCapable=False *

  • Term=n, where n is the terminal ID number of the interface server used at the site. *

  • TermStr=n, where n is the TermStr on all terminals used at the site.

  • NoFatalMsgBox=True

* Indicates variables that are not typically set up for a common Aloha Takeout installation. All other variables may already be in place.

Configuring Front-of-House to start

If ATG (Aloha Transaction Gateway) or a third-party software launches the Front-of-House (Iber.exe or Iberqs.exe) from the BOH, then the ATO application needs to also. To do this, configure the Takeout System Parameters function.

To configure Iber to start on the BOH:

  1. With Takeout selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout System Parameters.

Figure 8 Takeout System Parameters

  1. Under the ‘Service’ group bar, type the IP address the Aloha BOH site controller uses to connect to the Aloha network in ‘Service Host.’ The Aloha Takeout service broadcasts and accepts messages across this IP. If the IP address is incorrect or the network adapter is not at the top of the Connections frame, the terminals will not be able to connect to the service.

  2. Select Start POS Interface to automatically start and restart a UI-less instance of Iber.exe or Iberqs.exe on the BOH computer to accept orders from a web order.

  3. Leave all remaining options as their default unless otherwise instructed.

  4. Click Save and exit the Takeout System Parameters function.

Creating void reasons for future and canceled orders

In a typical Aloha Takeout installation, you create two void reasons in the Aloha POS for future orders and canceled orders, and associate these in the Takeout Settings function. You can use these existing void reasons; however, you most likely will create new void reasons specifically for online orders.

To create the ATO void reasons:

  1. With Takeout, Quick Service, or Table Service selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > System Settings > Void Reasons.

  2. Click New to create a new void reason.

  3. Under the ‘Settings’ group bar, type a name for the void reason in ‘Description.’

  4. Select or clear Return voided items back to inventory based on the following criteria:

    1. For a Future Order void reason, clear Return voided items back to inventory, as these items are not ordered.

    2. For the Canceled Order void reason, select Return voided items back to inventory, if you can prevent the items from being prepared or you can reuse the items. Clear Return voided items back to inventory, if you typically prepare and waste the items as a result of a canceled order.

  5. Select Do Not Report for the future order void reason.

  6. Clear Do Not Report for the canceled order void reason.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat this procedure to configure either the future order or canceled order void reason.

  9. Click Save and exit the Void Reasons function.

Configuring future orders for BSL ordering

By nature, an online order is a future order and you must configure Aloha Takeout for future ordering. Here you also associate the void reasons you created in “Creating void reasons for future and canceled orders” on page 17.

If you implement Aloha Takeout Order Manager where you manage orders from the BOH, instead of the full Aloha Takeout product, you must ensure you select ‘Activate future orders via server.’ If you are using the full Aloha Takeout product, clear ‘Activate future orders via server.’

To configure future order for BSL ordering:

  1. With Takeout selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings.

  2. Select the Options > Settings tab.

Figure 9 Takeout Settings - Options - Settings Tab

  1. Under the ‘Settings’ group bar, select Auto fulfill orders to enable Aloha Takeout to automatically close the check in Aloha Takeout when the check is closed in the Aloha POS. Note: This option does not affect delivery orders.

  2. Select Close checks on apply payment to enable Aloha Takeout to automatically close the check in the Aloha POS once full payment is applied.

  • Note: This option is a global setting and applies to all order modes aligned in Aloha Takeout. You can opt to override and configure this for specific order modes in Mainte- nance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings > Order Modes.

  1. Select the void reason created for cancelled orders from the ‘Order cancel void reason’ drop-down list.

  2. Select the Options > Future Orders tab.

Figure 10 Takeout Settings - Options - Future Orders Tab

  1. Under the ‘Future orders’ group bar, select Enable future day orders.

  2. Select Auto-release future orders, if applicable.

  3. Select the void reason to use for future orders from the ‘Future order void reason’ drop-down list.

  4. Select Activate future orders via server, if using ATO Order Manager instead of the full Aloha Takeout product.

  5. Leave all remaining options as their default unless otherwise instructed.

  6. Click Save and exit the Takeout Settings function.

Provisioning Aloha Takeout for use with BSL

You must provision Aloha Takeout to identify the site and communicate with NCR BSL. During the interim when these options are in the Aloha Configuration Center interface, you must add custom values using the Takeout Settings > Custom Settings tab.

To enter values into the Custom Settings tab:

  1. With Takeout selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings > Custom Settings tab.

Figure 11 Takeout Settings - Custom Tab

  1. Click Add and type the XPath, Element name, and Element value for each line. Leave Attribute cleared for each line.

  2. Click Save and exit the Takeout Settings function.

Use the following lines to enter in the Custom tab. For your convenience, you can copy the ‘xpath’ and ‘element name’ from this document and paste it directly into the application:

EnableExternalCommunication - Set to True for NCR BSL to work. XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration Element Name: EnableExternalCommunication

EnableOmniChannelCommunications - Set to True for NCR BSL to work. XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration

Element Name: EnableOmniChannelCommunications

EnterpriseUnit - An alphanumeric value that identifies a specific site XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration Element Name: EnterpriseUnit

OcpSharedKey - An alphanumeric value used to validate the site to NCR BSL for ordering.

XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration Element Name: OcpSharedKey

OcpSecretKey - An alphanumeric value used to validate the site for NCR BSL for


XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration Element Name: OcpSecretKey

OcpApplicationKey - Identifies the application connected. In this case, the value

represents ATO and is always set to 8a8088e05d9c6da0016051c508c5000c. XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration

Element Name: OcpApplicationKey

OcpOrganization - Identifies the company and is created by NCR BSL based on the name of the company.

XPath: /Config/Options/ExternalCommunicationConfiguration Element Name: OcpOrganization

In addition, you can use the following optional setting:

EnableOnlineOrderAlert - Set to True. XPath: /Config/Options

Element Name: EnableOnlineOrderAlert

Versioning Aloha Takeout

After you configure all before-mentioned procedures in this document, you need to version the Takeout Settings record to support additional sites for BSL ordering. This allows you to copy your configuration to other sites without having to repeat your configuration. The main reason to version is because the ‘EnterpriseUnit’ used in the provisioning process is unique to the site.

To version the Takeout Settings record:

  1. With Takeout selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings.

  2. With the function open, click Version from the command panel. The Version Assignment dialog box appears.

Figure 12 Version Assignment Dialog Box

3. Click OK.

Verifying ATO uses BSL

Below is an example of the ATO Main log when the site is set up and working properly for reference.

Jul 24, 09:11:33.83305, [9508], [INFO], [<Initialize>d__22], "(1)

Initializing NEP Controller"

Jul 24, 09:11:33.87991, [9508], [INFO],

[<InitializeNotificationService>d__23], "(1) Attempting to connect to the Notification Service"

Jul 24, 09:11:34.08299, [9508], [INFO],

[<<StartNotificationBufferProcessing>b__39_0>d], "(1) Starting Notification Buffer processing"

Jul 24, 09:11:34.75471, [7072], [INFO], [<Initialize>d__15], "(1)

Attempting to initialize the NEP Notification Service Communicator"

Jul 24, 09:11:35.39518, [4136], [INFO],

[NotificationServiceCommunicator], "(1) Successfully subscribed to Notification Service"

Jul 24, 09:11:35.39518, [4136], [INFO],

[NotificationServiceCommunicator], "(1) Connected to the Notification websocket"

Jul 24, 09:11:35.41080, [9508], [INFO], [<SyncOrders>d__24], "(1)

Attempting to sync Unacknowledged Orders remaining on the OCP system"

Jul 24, 09:11:35.41080, [9508], [INFO],

[<GetUnacknowledgedOrders>d__15], "(1) Attempting to get Unacknowledged Orders"

Net New Locations: Set your locations to Emergency Close until it is time to begin testing

Pro Tip! Setting your net new locations to emergency close until your launch date will allow us to set up order aggregation without running the risk of accidentally setting your store live early.

Do so by navigating to AOO and go to edit the site and check off the Emergency Closed checkbox. When you are ready to begin testing and or go live the setting will need to be unchecked.

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