The following will help to guide you in onboarding with the Aloha BSL Integration on the Lunchbox 2.0 Platform.
1a - Request Data Access (NCR Aloha BSL- LB 2.0)
1b - Site Service Provisioning Format Request (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
1c - Create Lunchbox User Access (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
1d - Refresh POS Data (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2a - Configuring the Lab Location Info (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2b - Set Location Delivery Area (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2c - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering, & Aggregation Order Modes/Service Types/Dining Options (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2d - Create Revenue Centers (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2e - Confirm Tax Rates Native, Catering & Aggregation (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2f - Create Lunchbox Native, Catering & Aggregation Tender Types (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2g - Creating a Loyalty Discount & Non Loyalty Discounts (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2h - Creating Service Charges (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2i - Create a Delivery Driver Arrival Time Open Item (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2j - Creating an Uplift for Order Aggregation (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2k - Create Cart Upsells/Packing Instructions for Order Level Pick Lists (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2l - Setting Up Your Open $ Tax Not Included Menu Item
2m - Setup Aloha Menu Service (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2n - How to 86 Items & Modifiers (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2o - Configure interface Employees & Interface Server Terminals for Order Ingestion (NCR Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2p - Prep Times & Order Throttling Times & Order Firing/Printing Behavior (Aloha BSL - LB 2.0)
2q - Placing & Voiding Test Orders (Aloha BSL 2.0)