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2l - Create an Open Item (Brink)
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2 Enterprise customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

An ‘Open Item’ with Ask Name and Ask Price must be created/enabled in Brink to allow orders to push to the POS, even when an item error occurs (Ex: item is marked as unavailable in the POS while customer is placing an order online. Open item allows order to send through to the POS successfully).

Step 1: Begin by navigating to the account-specific URL to access the Brink Dashboard clicking the Configurations drop-down > Edit Settings on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 2: Click on Items option in the left-hand menu

Step 3: Click the blue Add New Item button.

Step 4: Next setup the following item fields…

  • Name - Open Item

  • Description - Leave Blank

  • Active - Checked

  • Non Revenue Item - Unchecked

  • Kitchen Name - Open Food

  • Revenue Center - Optional

  • PLU - Blank

  • Price - 0.00

  • Cost - 0.00

  • Price Level - Blank

  • Printer Group - None

  • Video Group - None

  • Modifier Tier - None

  • Type - None

  • Modifier Weight - Blank

  • Modifier Routing - Follow Parent Item

  • Ask Name - Checked

  • Ask Price - Checked

  • Free Modifier Substitution Limit - Unchecked

  • Clears All Modifier - Unchecked

Step 5: Click the Blue OK Box at the bottom right-hand corner.

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