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Gift Cards (LB 2.0)
(LB 2.0) Reconciling Preload and Gift Card Purchasing with ECard
(LB 2.0) Reconciling Preload and Gift Card Purchasing with ECard
Updated over a week ago


To ensure that payment information is properly accounted for, compare financial reports in Lunchbox Reporting to those in E-Card and other POSs. In this article, we’ll examine the reports that ensure transactions match between the systems.

ECard Reporting Transactions

To pull Transactions from ECard:

Step 1: Navigate to the ECard portal

Step 2: Log in using the credentials from each location inside the Configuration Workbook (we get this info during onboarding and store it in the Configuration Workbook)

Step 3: Click on the Cross Location Pooling Summary report

Step 4: Select the date you want to pull the reports.

Step 5: Click run to launch the report.

Understanding the Ecard report

Let's look at a scenario:

Escrow Gift Card Restaurant location loaded $412.33 onto guests' gift cards for the time frame provided. A Guest (or multiple guests) used the gift card to purchase products at the Gainsville location totaling $29.75. To reconcile payments, the Escrow Gift Card location must transfer $29.75 to the Gainsville location.

Reconciling ECard with Lunchbox 2.0

To see if the Ecard reports match Lunchbox's, you will need to go into the Old Adm Dashboard to access the reporting section and pull the Sales by Payment Type Report.

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