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LB 2.0 Reports
Jeiah Isles avatar
Written by Jeiah Isles
Updated over a week ago

Reporting Overview 2.0

This section will show you how to access the Reports Tab, where you can run several reports. All reports can be printed or exported to Excel.


You get to choose what information you pull! In the “Reports” section of the dashboard, you can select which report you are pulling and the date range of the information being pulled.

Note: To pull reports, log into your dashboard and click "Switch to the Old Adm" on the top right.

Best Practices

Offering Excel and CSV downloads allows our restaurant partners to download, filter, and flexibly view our reports to fit the client's needs.


Lunchbox reporting provides our clients a cross-reference number for reporting validation purposes. With check, item, and modifier refunding now available, our item-level reporting will be better than ever.

Reports provide data to make informed decisions about your business. Lunchbox provides reports for a plethora of metrics so you can gain insights into your orders, sales, guests, locations, transactions, refunds, items, and more.


Users must be granted access to view reporting through permissions assigned through the Lunchbox Enterprise Dashboard. Since reports can be split by location or globally, only those with Corporate Access can view global reports. All other admins can access the by-location reports.

Feature Limitations

We do not present graphs or the same level of dynamic filters as in 1.0. However, reports can be downloaded to CSV and Excel and filtered and manipulated locally for reporting customization.

POS Limitations

We are not able to view orders that are not placed through the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard. Orders placed in-store for dine-in, takeout, or delivery must be viewed locally from the POS.

A user must make the edit in their POS and on the Admin Dashboard. Voids and refunds will not sync automatically from the POS.

How to Access Reporting

Step 1: From the Dashboard, scroll down to the Reports tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 2: Select the store for which you wish to run the report using the Store Search drop down. Leave the store search blank if you wish to run the report Globally.

Step 3: Select the report you wish to run from the Select Report: drop-down menu.

Step 4: Select the date range using the From: and To: fields

Step 5: Click View to run the report

Note: Viewing reports is based upon a users permissions. If you are unable to view a report and your position should have access, please reach out your manager or CSM to check your permissions.

Print Report Results

To print your report:

Step 1: Once you have your report results, click the printer icon to print

Step 2: Select your printer

Step 3: Click Print

Export Report Results to Excel

To export your report to Excel:

Step 1: Once your report has run, click the green excel icon to export

Step 2: Edit in Excel, as needed

Export Report Results to CSV

To export your report to CSV:

Step 1: Once your report has run, click the csv image icon to export the results to a CSV file

Step 2: Edit, as needed

Store Specific vs Chainwide Reports Side by Side

To run a Store Specific Report, you must first select a location for which you wish to run the report. To run a Chainwide Report, you must have Corporate Access. Chainwide reports return results for the entire chain as a whole. You can access the following Reports from the Reports Tab:

App 2 Logins


Store Specific View

Catering Orders

This report displays all catering orders within the time frame you select, the customer’s information associated with the order, the status of each order, the total of the order, and refund amounts if any.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - Store # is visible to differentiate orders by location.

Note: This report will only show native catering orders it will not include catering orders from 3P Platforms.

Credit Card Detail

This report displays the online orders, total $ amounts, credit card type used for the orders, authorization codes sent by your merchant when the credit card was authorized, the reference number for the captured amount, and refund date/amount, if any.

Note: Credit Card Details Report does not populate for Aggregation payments because the transaction occurs on the 3P side and we don’t have visibility into their payment type. 3P providers do not send refunds that are placed through the 3P portal.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View

Credit Card Sales

This report breaks down the selected store’s online orders paid for by a credit card. Refunds will also display on this report. This report will also show gift card payments, if applicable.

Note: Credit Card Sales Report does not populate for Aggregation Restaurants only because the transaction occurs on the 3P side and we don’t have visibility into their payment type.

Store Specific View

Customer List

This report breaks down the customers that have registered and placed orders. This report displays customer information, including account creation date, opt-in status, # of orders placed, total $ spent, and date of first and last order.

Note: The Customer List will not pull for Aggregation Orders. We do not receive enough information from the 3P to generate a customer list.

Store Specific View

Customer Registrations

Who has registered for a new account

Store Specific View

DAAS/Delivery As A Service Orders

This report displays Delivery As A Service orders, within the selected time frame, the order numbers, the customer’s information associated with the order, the placed and promised time of each order, the subtotal, discount, item tax, delivery charge, delivery charge tax, tip and total order amounts.

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation unless the orders deliveries are being run through a third party delivery service. Example Grubhub orders are delivered by Doordash Drive.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - The store number is visible from this view.

Delivery Daily Trend

This report returns total delivery sales during the chosen time period by day of the week, along with order count, average order amount, average out-the-door time, percentage of orders that were out the door in less than 7.5, 9 and 11 minutes, average estimated time of delivery, percentage of deliveries estimated less than 30 minutes, number of deliveries, runs, and deliveries per run.

Note: A Run is the # of times a driver is dispatched. They might be on a 'run' and deliver 3 orders.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This report totals all locations

Delivery Dispatch Stats

This report is used for restaurants that choose to dispatch drivers using the Lunchbox Enterprise Dashboard. This report returns order count and average out-the-door time for deliveries by day of the week and time/part of the day. This report is only generated when a driver checks out an order to deliver and checks back in when they return.

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation or restaurants that delivery using a 3rd Party Delivery service like Doordash Drive. This is for inhouse delivery use only.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This report tallies all locations stats

Delivery Labor Tracker

This report returns delivery orders during the selected time frame, hour of the day, number of orders, sales dollars, delivery driver drive time and non-drive time, total time, driver hours allowed and the over/under of total time to driver hours allowed.

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation or restaurants that delivery using a 3rd Party Delivery service like Doordash Drive. This is for inhouse delivery use only.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This shows a list of all stores

Delivery Orders

This report displays all of the delivery orders within the time frame you select and includes customer information, order information, promised time of delivery, time assigned to driver, time driver dispatched, time order delivered, out the door time, order totals, driver name, miles driven, and calculated driver fee.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View -

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Discount Sales

This report displays a list of discounted online orders, the order totals, the customer information associated with the orders, and the discount they used, including the CLU they entered.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This view will also include a store column

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation. Discounts are not applied to 3P Orders.


This report will return a list of locations assigned to that specific user or the store list for the entire chain, depending on access level. This report shows the basic store information: store #, store name, address, phone #, fax #, region, time zone, email address, setup type, Agent version, last Agent Check-in, last Menu Export, status, delivery enabled and any current redirects for each location.

Store Specific View

Note: This report will not show data for Single Locations.

Chainwide View

Menu Hours

The Menu Hours report give you a day by day breakdown of the restaurant's Menu Hours from Open to Close. This can be filtered by menu.

Store Specific View

Need an Image

Chainwide View - Store Id’s are visible and the report can be filtered by store.

Order Check-ins

This report returns a list of online orders in which customers had checked in for order pickup during the selected time period, along with customer information, order information, check-in time, store check-in acknowledgment time, parking space number or check-in details supplied by the customer.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This report also includes a Store Column


This report displays orders, within the selected time frame, the customer’s information associated with the order, the status of each order, the total of the order, and refund amounts, if any.

Note: Regions can be configured in the admin dashboard for clients who are looking to view reporting by region. To set this up they must request this through their CSM or raise a ticket through support.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View -

Note: Canceled/voided orders do not show up on the Orders Report. Refunded orders, however, will display.

Order By Hour


Store Specific View

Chainwide View - The Store ID is visible in this view.

Order Item Detail

This report displays items that are ordered, within the selected time frame, the customer’s information associated with the item, the status of each item, the total qty of items on the order, and item name, unit price, extended price. Sortable by store and by item.

Note: This report is inclusive of items and modifiers.

Store Specific View

Needs Image

Chainwide View - This view includes a store number.

POS Order Errors


Store Specific View

Chainwide View -

Provider Orders Report

The provider order report gives you a breakdown of the sales for all 3P orders by provider. This can be filtered by Store, by Provider and by status.

Note: This report will not generate if the restaurant partner does not have order aggregation.

Store Specific View

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Chainwide View -

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Note: Tips do not send through on this report unless the delivery driver for the restaurant is delivering their own 3P orders.

Note: These orders will reflect the order before any discounts that are applied on third party.

Sales by Customer

This report allows you to pull up a list of the customers who ordered within the time frame you select. Report provides customer’s name, phone number, date registered, order count, and order amount

Store Specific View

Sales by Discount

This report shows the total number of discounts/coupons redeemed on online orders by customers during the selected time frame, along with total sales dollars, total discount dollars, and net dollar amount after discount applied.

Store Specific View

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation. Discounts aren’t applied to Orders for Aggregation.

Sales by Discount - By Store

This report shows the total number of discounts/coupons redeemed on online orders by customers during the selected time frame, along with total sales dollars, total discount dollars, and net dollar amount after discount applied.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View -

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation. Discounts aren’t applied to Orders for Aggregation.

Sales by Discount - Daily

This report shows the total number of discounts/coupons redeemed on online orders by customers during the selected time frame by day, along with total sales dollars, total discount dollars, and net dollar amount after the discount applied.

Store Specific View

Note: This report will not show data for Aggregation. Discounts aren’t applied to Orders for Aggregation.

Sales by Item

This report provides a comprehensive list of all the items sold within the time frame you select, the quantity of each item sold, and the total cost.

Store Specific View

Sales by Payment Type

This report will display the number of orders, and the total amount of those orders, for each of the payment types you accept online.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View -

Sales by Region

This report will display the number of stores in each region, number of orders, number of active stores, the total amount of those orders, and YTD sales for each of your chain’s regions.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View -

Sales by Source

This report shows the sales information by source (online, mobile, mobile app, Grubhub, Doordash etc).

Note: Mobile App means that it was ordered through the App. Mobile site means that is was ordered through a mobile friendly web browser on a cellphone.

Store Specific View

Sales by Source - By Week

This report shows the sales information by source by week (online, mobile, mobile app, Grubhub, Doordash etc).

Store Specific View

Sales by Store

Global report for a breakdown sales for the Chain by Store, Source/Service Type, Order Count and Gross Sales.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View -

Sales by Store Condensed

Global report for a breakdown sales for the Chain by Store, Order Count and Gross Sales.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View

Sales Tax

This report displays each type of sales tax and the total amount paid in sales tax on the online orders for the selected location during the time frame you select.

Store Specific View

Service Fees

This report is used to show you how much you are billed on a particular order or group of orders.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This report includes a store column.

Store Orders

This report displays a list of the online orders placed at the chosen location within the time frame you select. It displays the order #, the customer’s information associated with the order, the status of each order, the total of the order, and refund amounts, if any.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View

Store Sales Condensed

This report shows you the total number of orders by store for the selected time frame.

Store Specific View

Note: This report is only available for Chainwide View.

Chainwide View

Transferred Orders

This report shows you all of the orders transferred during the chosen time period. Transfers typically occur when the order needs to be delivered by another location due to issues that occur in the store.

Store-Specific View & Chainwide View

Note: Reports listed here may not be available to all chains. If a report requires that a restaurant be selected first (Orders, Catering Orders etc.), the report option will not be shown in the drop down until a location has been selected.

Note: This report is not typically seen for Aggregation.

Note: Orders cannot be transferred if they have been sent to the POS.

Weekly Sales by Store

This report displays the weekly sales for all the stores in your chain by location.

Store Specific View

Chainwide View - This View includes the region.

Note: Reports listed here may not be available to all chains.


  • Can we see a quick sales view for O&D and loyalty? Compare sales over a period of time?

Answer: Loyalty reports are found on the loyalty provider side. There is a Sales by discount report that can be referenced to see what coupons are being used.

  • Can we see a report showing average checks for certain periods?

Answer: Not Supported. They would need to download the order report and do some math using Excel.

  • Can we see a report showing # of orders in a certain period?

Answer: Yes, via the Orders Report filtered by timeframe.

  • Can we see a report showing total loyalty guests in the program and how they’re signing up – via app or web?

Answer: It is not currently in the admin dashboard; this would be dependent on the Loyalty Provider.

  • Can a report show Purchase % by mode – app, web & order type – curbside, delivery, to-go?

Answer: No, but you can do a dollar value Sales by Store, which will give you a side-by-side breakdown by Source.

  • Can we see a report showing the top discounts used?

Answer: There is a Discount Sales Report that can be filtered for viewing.

  • Can we see a report showing the Top products purchased online during certain periods?

Answer: Order item Detail Report could be used but would need to be filtered.

  • View of segment buckets and our customer base by bucket?

Answer: Enterprise is not currently pulling anything from Segment.

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