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LB 2.0 Operate: Coupons
LB 2.0 Operate: Coupons
Updated over a week ago


Coupons in Lunchbox are used to create discounts on full orders, categories and specific items and they can be used as Promo Codes & Rewards that are calculated on the customer's check and pass through to the POS properly for tracking usage.

1. From the "Jump to Admin" Dashboard, navigate to Operate and click on Coupons.

On the Coupons tab, you'll be able to see all Coupons and filter by Name, CLU, Options, Service Types, Locations, Item Names and Expired Coupons, with the ability to Sort By CLU, Start & End Date and Name.

From the "Jump to Admin" Dashboard, navigate to Operate and click on Coupons.

Create Coupon

The list of Coupons will display all created coupons, but if you need to create a new one, perform the following steps.

1. Click on Create Coupon

Click on Create Coupon

2. Enter Coupon Details

  • Name*: the descriptive name of the coupon viewed by the customer

  • CLU (Master Promo Code): Coupon Look Up code for customers to use during checkout

  • Description / Disclaimer*: The description of the coupon that will be visible to the customer

  • POS Reference: This is REQUIRED for POS-Integrated restaurant partners and must match the Discount External ID exactly to pass the order to the POS without error

  • Select Location: By default, coupons will be available for all locations, but if you want the coupon to be limited to a specific location, you can select the location here (you can only select 1 or all locations)

  • Start Date: When the coupon will be active for use. This field is NOT optional.

  • Expiry Date: When the coupon is scheduled to expire and will not be active for use. This field IS optional.

  • Active: Toggle this on or off to make the coupon available for use

Warning! CLUs & Promo Codes CAN NOT contain uppercase letters, spaces or special characters. They can only include lowercase letters and numbers without spaces.

Note: * Options marked with this symbol represent required selections

Enter Coupon Details

3. Enter Value Details

To set an order Coupon Type, select one of the options here:

  • Deduct Percentage (e.g. 20% off)

  • Deduct Dollar Amount (e.g. $5 off)

  • Fixed Price (e.g. 3 items for $5)

Note: When entering values, be sure to use decimal points. DO NOT use symbols (e.g. $, %). Ex: 10% would be entered as 10.00.

Enter Value Details

4. Enter Limit Details

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: $5 discount with a purchase of $30 or more

  • Maximum Discount per Order $: Limited to $20 off per order

  • Use Limit per Order*: Coupons cannot be combined with other coupons

  • Use Limit per Location: How many times coupon can be used at each location

  • Use Limit per Customer: One-time coupon for each customer

  • Use Limit per Coupon: How many times in total the coupon can be used

Enter Limit Details

5. Enter Additional Coupon Options

  • Auto Apply: Discount automatically applied at checkout

  • Apply To Total: discount applies to the total after tax

  • Delivery Based: deducts amount off of the delivery fee

  • Rep CLU: to track coupons from Company Representatives

  • Require Paper: customer must hand in a paper copy of the coupon upon receiving their order

  • Single Use: limits a customer to using the coupon only once (same as Use Limit for coupon if set to 1)

  • Customers Only: discount available for online orders only and excludes any customer with management credentials

  • Internal Use: coupon can only be applied by internal users

  • Is Open Value: the amount of the coupon should be sent down as ‘open’

  • Is Rewards Dollars: Coupon is a rewards dollar coupon

  • Exclusive: when this is set only this coupon can be applied to an order. no other coupons can be redeemed

  • Include Children: coupon will be applied to child items

  • POS Item Based: For Item-based discounts configured in the POS. Keep this disabled if the discount is configured to apply to the entire check in the POS.

  • Send Value to POS: automatically sends the value of the coupon to the POS. Only check if it is for a POS client

Enter Additional Coupon Options

6. Select Service Types

All Service Types will be initially selected, but if you would like to make this Coupon specific to 1 or multiple service types, disable and select the services you would like to enable the coupon for.

Select Service Types

7. Select Menu Modes

All Menu Modes will be initially selected, but if you would like to make this Coupon specific to 1 or multiple Menu Modes, disable and select the modes you would like to enable the coupon for.

Select Menu Modes

8. Review Coupon Settings & Save

Review Coupon Settings & Save

Discount Codes

If you want to use more than just the Master CLU and create multiple promo codes with their own limitations, do so using Discount Codes.

1. Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots and click on Discount Codes

Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots for, and click on Discount Codes

2. Discount Code Options

Create the new Promo Code name following the same CLU parameters mentioned above, add a Use Limit (set use limit to 0 if the code is unlimited) and optionally select a Time Slot that this Discount Code will only be available for. Click Add to create the new Discount Code.

Discount Code Options

3. View or Delete Discount Code

After you add the new Discount Code, you'll see it below and you'll be able to delete it using the 3 dots on the right.

View or Delete Discount Code

Customer Availability

If you would like to limit who can use this coupon for items and orders, set these parameters using Customer Availability.

1. Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots and click on Customer Availability

Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots for, and click on Customer Availability

2. Disable All Customers

The default settings for Coupon Customer Availability will be toggled on for All Customers. Toggle this off to search for the Customers who will only have access to this Coupon.

Disable All Customers

3. Enter a Name or Email and click Search

Enter a Name or Email and click Search

4. Check off the Customer and click Add Selected

You will see that this setting is Successfully Saved in the top right-hand part of your screen.

Check off the Customer and click Add Selected

5. View or Remove Selected Customers

Navigate back to Customer Availability to view and/or remove selected customers. You can also always toggle All Customers back to active.

View or Remove Selected Customers

Coupon Banks

Coupon Banks are used to create Item or Category-specific Coupons. You can also use Coupon Banks to exclude specific items from Order-based Coupons.

Coupon Banks are also used to create BOGO Coupons.

1. Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots and click on Coupon Banks

Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots for, and click on Coupon Banks

2. Click on Add Coupon Bank

Click on Add Coupon Bank

3. Enter Coupon Bank Details & Save

  • Quantity*: the number of items required to be ordered for a customer to be able to use the coupon (i.e. $5 off 2 SUBS: the 2 would go in the Quantity field)

  • Minimum Quantity: Optional minimum of items required for the coupon

  • Name*: description or name of the Coupon Bank. This is what the customer will see if the coupon fails. It’s best to name the bank item the item name clearly so they will know what they need to add to the cart to use the coupon

  • Coupon Bank Type*: choose from one of the following bank types:

    • Deduct Percentage (e.g. 20% off)

    • Deduct Dollar Amount (e.g. $5 off)

    • Fixed Price (e.g. 3 items for $5)

  • Amount* (don’t enter $ or % characters): enter the dollar amount deduction, percentage deduction, or fixed price in 00.00 format, depending on your bank type.

  • Lowest Price First: Makes sure to discount the lower-priced discounted item before other applicable items

Enter Coupon Bank Details & Save

4. Edit the Coupon Bank

When you save the new Coupon Bank, you will be taken to the Coupon Bank page for the specific Coupon.

To add or exclude categories and items to a Coupon Bank, navigate to the 3 dots and click Edit.

Edit the Coupon Bank

5. Add/Exclude Bank Items (Menu Categories)

After you've navigated to the Edit Coupon Bank page, you'll be able to make changes to the settings you just configured, but also Add New Bank Items (Categories) or use the Item Browser (for Items) to apply to this Coupon.

  1. To Add a Category: to apply a category, size, or style to the coupon bank, select Add New Bank Item.

  2. To Add a Specific Item: to choose a specific item for the coupon bank, select Item Browser. Search for items by selecting the category that contains the item and/or filter by item name.

For this example, select Add New Bank Item

Add/Exclude Bank Items (Menu Categories)

6. Enter Coupon Bank Item (Category) Details & Save

  • Category*: Choose the Category you want to apply to this Coupon Bank

  • Size: Choose the Size you want to apply to this Coupon Bank

  • Style: Choose the Style you want to apply to this Coupon Bank

  • Exclude: Toggle on Exclude if you want this category to NOT be available for this Coupon

Enter Coupon Bank Item (Category) Details & Save

7. Add/Exclude Menu Items using Item Browser

For this example, select Item Browser

Add/Exclude Menu Items using Item Browser

8. Search for Items

Search by Category Name, Item Name or Item External ID to view applicable Items

In this example, we searched by Item Name for "Cheese Pizza" and all items with "Cheese Pizza" in the name populated.

Search for Items

9. Select or Exclude the Item or Items you would like to apply to the Coupon Bank and Save

In this example, we'll include "3-Cheese Pizza" without any size or style restrictions

Select or Exclude the Item or Items you would like to apply to the Coupon Bank and Save

Edit Coupon

To make changes to the initial settings you set for the Coupon, you can always go back and edit the coupon. The same goes for Discount Codes, Customer Availability and coupon Banks.

1. Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots and click on Edit

Navigate to Coupons, select the 3 dots for, and click on Edit

2. Make any updates or changes to the Coupon

You'll notice that Value Details has a disclaimer and the option is no longer available now that the Coupon has a Coupon Bank managing the parameters of the value.

If you make any changes to the Coupon, be sure to navigate to the bottom of the screen and click Save.

Make any updates or changes to the Coupon

Note: Make sure you test your coupons before making them available to all of your customers.

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