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Coupon / Discount Deep Linking
Coupon / Discount Deep Linking
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

Feature Overview:

This article is dedicated to helping you build out Coupon Deep Linking using the Lunchbox Integration.

Table of Contents


Coupon deep linking is a feature that allows a restaurant partner to create a coupon-specific URL that can be linked to a button on a website or a social media ad. This allows a guest to be redirected to the online ordering site and auto-magically apply the discount code to the order.


  • Coupons must be built in the admin dashboard with Promo Codes/CLU’s and tested to POS.

Feature Limitations:

  • Deep linking cannot be used for order aggregation.

  • Deep linking cannot be used for app ordering. These can only be redeemed using web or mobile web ordering.

  • Deep linking does not automatically apply the item to the cart.

Configuration Steps

To enable Cart-Level Deeplinking the restaurant must perform the following actions.

Step 1: Configure Coupons

Build out your coupons in the Admin Dashboard ensuring that they have a promo code/CLU added to the Coupon.

Step 2: Create Deeplink URL

A coupon deeplink URL can be created by appending a coupon code to your online ordering site’s URL.

Two options are available to create the deeplink url:

Option #1 - All Locations

To create a coupon deeplink URL for all locations, add a coupon code to the end of your online ordering site’s URL as shown below.

https://{yourOrderingDomain}/?discount_code=(PROMO CODE/CLU)

Option # 2 - Location Specific

To create a coupon deeplink URL for a specific location, add a coupon code to the end of your online ordering site’s URL after selecting a location as shown below.

https://{yourOrderingDomain}/{location#}/{locationName}?discount_code=(PROMO CODE/CLU)

Deep Link Guest Experience

Below is an overview of the workflow a guest will follow after clicking on a coupon deeplink URL from your website or digital marketing materials.

Step 1: A guest navigates to your website, receives a marketing email, or views a social post and clicks on the deeplink.

Step 2: The guest is then either directed to the location picker where they will then select the restaurant or they are directed to the specific location where they will then choose the service type and order time and selects start my order.

Step 3: A Discount Pending pop-up will appear to the guest explaining the discount requirements. After reading they will need to click either close or the X.

Note: Coupon-qualifying items will not automatically appear in the cart. Guests must make the required selections to check out.

Step 4: After the guest adds every item that is listed on the discount pending pop-up, the discount will auto-magically apply to the order!

Step 5: The guest proceeds to check out as normal and enjoys your delicious food all without having to manually apply a promo code!

Best Practices:

Whether you are linking to an image-based coupon on your website or creating a hyperlinked call to action on your social post utilizing deep links is an excellent way to help guide guests through the discount user experience. Always test discounts thoroughly and ensure that they send to POS.


How does utilizing this feature benefit the restaurant partner?


  • Does this work with Item Based Discounts?


  • Can I use this with Catering?


  • Can I use this with order aggregation?


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