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(LB 1.0) [Early Access] Toast Refund Sync
Jeiah Isles avatar
Written by Jeiah Isles
Updated over a year ago

Feature Description

In this article, we'll discuss how to refund Lunchbox orders in Toast (instead of the Admin Dashboard) that can be synced to the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard for guests to receive their refunds.

Feature Content

Toast Configuration for Refunding

The Restaurant Partner should first build an understanding of how to properly process refunds via Toast. There are two scenarios that determine how the item refund should be recorded, and it depends on the reasoning for refunding the item:

Scenario 1: The item was made and there was an issue (cold, made incorrectly).

  • The item should be Comped

Scenario 2: The item was forgotten or canceled before made.

  • The item should be Voided

In the scenario where the whole order is being refunded, this follows the same rules:

  1. The order was made = Order should be Comped

  2. The order was canceled before being made = Order should be Voided

The reason for the distinction for Void and Comp comes down to inventory. If inventory has already been impacted, then the item should be comped instead of voided.

  • A voided item/order will cause inventory levels to return back to the state which they were at prior to the order being placed.

  • A comped item/order will allow for inventory levels to remain impacted back the order.

Configuring for Void

Void is a functionality available in Toast by default, where both an item and an order can be voided. Toast offers the ability to set custom Void Reasons from the dashboard.

Step 1: From the Toast Dashboard, navigate to the Void Reasons page.


Step 2: From this page, you can add custom Void Reasons. Some reasons we recommend:

  • Item Cancelled

  • Order Cancelled

  • Missing Item


Configuring for Comp

Comp is functionality made available in Toast using Discounts. Using a 100% off Item-based Discount or a 100% off Check-based Discount.

Step 1: To add a new discount, using the navigation layout on the left side of your screen, navigate to the Payments section in Toast's Dashboard.


Step 2: From the Comps and promos section, select Discounts and promo codes.


Step 3: To create a Discount, select Add a Discount.

Step 4: For creating the Item Comp discount, start by setting the name of the discount to Lunchbox - Item Comp.

Then, set the Discount Type to Fixed % Off with a value of 100%.

Once this is complete, set the discount Applies to as Any item.


Step 5: Next, we need to ensure that the discount is only available to be used by Managers and that it doesn’t interfere with other Discounts set on the same check. Inside the Advanced Settings section, set the Permissions Level to Manager and check the box to Allow with other discounts.


Step 6: Next, we’re going to create another Comp discount, this time for Order Comp. Start by setting the name of the discount to Lunchbox - Order Comp.

Then set the Discount Type to Fixed % Off with a value of 100%.

Once this is complete, set the discount Applies to as Entire Check.

Repeat Step 5 for this Discount as well, setting the Permissions Level to Manager and check the box to Allow with other discounts.


Step 7 (Optional): Feel free to set Discount Reasons to the Discounts. Some example reasons could be: Incorrectly Made, Food Burnt, or Missing Modifiers.

You can learn more about creating and setting Discount Reasons here:

Toast Process: Same Day Refund (Partial and Full)

Step 1: Find the check in Toast using the order number (same as Lunchbox).

Step 2: From the Order screen - select the item or items to be removed by selecting the name of the item.

Step 3: Once the item or items are highlighted, select:
VOID if the item(s) were forgotten or canceled before being made


COMP if the item(s) were made and there was an issue (arrived cold, made incorrect, etc.)


Step 4: For VOIDS, the item(s) will be marked out on the check above with the words VOIDED under Total.

For COMPS, the item(s) will show the discount applied and show a $0 amount under Total.


Step 5: Once the item(s) have been voided or comped, we need to update the payment. Select Pay to update and adjust payment on the check being refunded.

NOTE: You can also Navigate to Previous Checks > Closed Checks and select the check that needs to be refunded. Once you select Pay, it will take you to the same screen mentioned above.


Step 6: Once on the Pay screen, select the payment that needs to be removed. The line will appear blue to indicate the payment that has been chosen.

For Full Refunds

Step 7: On the Pay screen, select VOID to remove the payment for the check.


Step 8: This action cannot be undone, so as a safeguard against accidental payment voids, Toast will prompt the user to confirm the action before it is performed.


Step 9: Once the payment has been removed, you can select Close and the check will be refunded and closed.

Step 10: Once you have performed the refund in Toast, open up the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard, find the order and perform the refund sync to update the order and officially perform the refund, which will send an email to the guest letting them know that their order has been refunded.

For Partial Refunds

Step 7: On the Pay screen select VOID to remove the payment for the check, but remember the tip amount because you will need to re-enter it when closing out the check again.


Step 8: After re-entering the tip amount, SAVE THE NEW TOTAL and close out the order to the Platform used (usually Lunchbox Delivery or Lunchbox Takeout).


Step 9: Once the payment has been removed, you can select Close and the check will be refunded and closed.

Step 10: Once you have performed the refund in Toast, open up the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard, find the order and perform the refund sync to update the order and officially perform the refund, which will send an email to the guest letting them know that their order has been refunded.

Toast Process: Previous Day (or earlier) Refund

Step 1: Log into the Toast Backend and select Find Checks from either the POS or the Website (


Step 2: Easily locate a check by selecting one of five tabs to begin with the correct date and filter the search:

  1. Find by Check Number- The most efficient way to find any check, if you have the Check Number and Order Date or Range.

  2. Find by ID- Enter the Check, Order, or Payment Reference ID found in the Order Details on the check

  3. Find by Customer Info- Generally efficient for online, delivery, or takeout orders where the customer's information has been provided.

  4. Find by Credit Card- If the last 4 card digits of the payment method are known, this option will show any checks where that card has ever been used at your restaurant. This is very useful for handling a customer claiming they have been charged twice by seeing transaction history.

  5. Advanced Search- Search a selected check amount range and date or range to find the check. The employee/server responsible for the check can also be selected to filter results further.

Step 3: After finding the order, select the check by clicking the blue link, and selecting Re-open check:


Step 4: Once completed the order will show up on the front end of the POS Underpaid checks, and you can follow the same steps as a same-day order to process the refund.

Guest Experience

  1. The guest has an issue with an order and the restaurant decides to refund partially or entirely.

  2. The guest receives an email as soon as the refund sync is executed in the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard.

  3. The guest will see their refunded amount in 5-7 business days.

Workflow for Syncing Refunds with Lunchbox

A successful Refund Sync all starts with correctly recording the refund in the Toast POS.

Please follow the above-outlined steps in order to record your refund accurately in Toast. After recording your refund in Toast, these refunds will sync to Lunchbox in two possible ways.

Here are the steps for how you can process a manual Refund Sync from the Lunchbox Dashboard:

Step 1: Visit the Lunchbox Dashboard, identify the order you’d like to sync a refund for, and select the order.

Step 2: Press the button labeled Refund from the order details, and on the right-hand side of the page, press the Sync Refund button. The page will load, and if Lunchbox finds a refund was processed in the Toast POS, we will display the Refunded amount to you. It is recommended to send a screenshot of the processed refund to the guest to confirm they received their refund.


Partial refunds are processed in the following order (to make the refund transfer as clean as possible):

  1. Refund Loyalty (if applied)

  2. Refund Gift Card (if applied)

  3. Refund Credit Card Payment

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