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Searching for Discounts
Joyce D. avatar
Written by Joyce D.
Updated over a year ago

When looking to manage discounts, start by logging into your dashboard and selecting Discounts from the menu on your left.


This will load up a list of 20 discounts by default. You'll also notice at the top of the page that there are also multiple, additional filters available for you to search for specific discounts, such as:

  • Name: Find a discount with the given name.

  • Code: Find a discount that is associated with this promo code (i.e., BURGER, FREE FRIES, etc.).

  • POS GUID: Find a discount using the GUID that was given to it on the POS.

Selecting Filter will perform a search with the criteria you've provided.

Selecting See all discounts will reset all the search criteria you've provided, and return to the default list of the 20 discounts.

In addition, at the top right of the page, you'll see a button labeled Sync with POS that will synchronize the Discounts you've created in your POS and import them into your Lunchbox Dashboard.


Each discount in the list displays the following information:

  • Name: Display name of the Discount.

  • Codes: Promo codes associated with this Discount (i.e., BURGER, FREE FRIES, etc.).

  • Location: Location(s) that this Discount is available for.

  • Status: Specifies whether the discount is active (able to be used) or inactive (turned off).


Clicking on a Discount will take you to the Discount's Details page.

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