DoorDash Drive Limitations
Recommended tip percentages are not allowed to be lower than 15%. Lunchbox is contractually obligated to have recommended tips be no lower than 15%.
How to Sign Up for DoorDash Drive
The following steps are for clients that are using DoorDash Drive as their 3rd party delivery partner. They will need these steps to properly fill out the DoorDash Drive Setup Form. Once they fill out this form, we have what we need to integrate Lunchbox with DoorDash Drive for delivery.
Standard Orders = Small Order Fulfillment (SOF)
Catering Orders = Large Order Fulfillment (LOF)
Net New DoorDash Drive Signup Process:
NOTE: If you have a DoorDash Drive Representative and you are not working with a previous last mile delivery provider, reach out to them know that you are signing a location or brand up for DoorDash Drive through Lunchbox.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you are contracted into different rates than the form shows you will still need to fill out this form for the integration. Your DoorDash Drive Representative will then send you an amendment for the rates which you will then fill out. Once that’s fully executed, they will submit it to the Drive team to override the default rates to match the special rates that were offered. The SLA for that is about a week. So plan your launch accordingly.
Step 1 (NET NEW): Visit the DoorDash Drive Signup
Step 2: Fill out the below form with your corporation's business information. If your
business is corporate-owned (meaning all locations are owned by a single corporate
entity), then only one form will need to be completed. If your business model includes
franchisees, then your franchisees will each need to fill out their own form as well.
Step 3: Select Lunchbox as the primary online ordering provider and also choose how
you would like to handle your existing driver fleet (if applicable).
Step 4: Choose your Delivery plan (our choice already comes with a recommended tag).
This is for full automation of delivery via Lunchbox.
Step 5: Enter in location information as well as your accounting point of contact:
Step 6: Accept the terms and conditions, and submit. You will be presented with a final
confirmation screen like so–
Step 7: You will receive a confirmation email with your acceptance record. Please
download this and send a copy to your Lunchbox Onboarding Manager and share over the Business Name assigned to your account via your configuration workbook.
Step 8: Once the account has been created please grant Lunchbox access to your Doordash Merchant/Drive portal with the following login...
services+(Brand Name)
Once complete notify your Implementation Project Manager that the user has been invited to the Doordash Merchant/Drive Portal.
If a restaurant partner is migrating away from an online ordering provider
NOTE: If you have a DoorDash Representative, reach out to them in order to setup the DoorDash Drive integration through Lunchbox and let them know that you will be integrating with Lunchbox as well during the migration and to keep the existing integration in place.
CC: Implementation Project Manager & Your DoorDash Drive Rep
Subject: (Brand Name) Migrating to Lunchbox for Last Mile Delivery for (Large Order Fulfillment, Small Order Fulfillment or Both Small Order and Large Order Fulfillment)
Suggested Email Text:
Hello DoorDash!
We need assistance setting up (Brand Name) accounts on DoorDash Drive, with Lunchbox designated as the POS integration provider. This account is migrating away from (Prior Online Ordering Provider) the previous integration will need to stay in tact during the onboarding process and Lunchbox will need to be added as a new integration along with the existing integration to avoid service disruption while me offboard. This is the Lunchbox-specific account creation form that was sent our way from our internal DoorDash contact if you can please assist in getting this setup.
If you do not have a DoorDash Representative, continue through the setup process below.
Step 2: Enter in location information as well as your accounting point of contact:
Step 3: Accept the terms and conditions, and submit. You will be presented with a final
confirmation screen like so–
Step 4: You will receive a confirmation email with your acceptance record. Please
download this and send a copy to your Lunchbox Onboarding Manager and share over the Business Name assigned to your account via your configuration workbook.
1- How long does it take for Doordash to set up the account (SLA to ping endpoints)?
It takes about 10 minutes for each form submitted.
2- What is the standard delivery radius for Doordash Drive?
It is around 3-5 miles, depending on location (NYC is less due to density).
3- What value does Lunchbox set up for my integration?
Lunchbox uses the Business Name for this integration.