Time Slot Editor
The Time Slot Editor allows you to create schedules to use for things like specials and LTOs. Can be applied to Menu Categories, Menu Items, Order Throttling Rules & Coupons.
NOTE: Time Slots that are applied to Menus, Categories, Menu Items, Modifier Groups & Modifiers can only be seen if you are ordering as a customer. Lunchbox Admins and Managers will not see the timeslots take effect in the menu ordering UI.
1. Select Time Slot Editor
You can create Time Slot Schedules on a Global or Local (location-specific) basis.
2. View Time Slots
After you select "Time Slot Editor", the Time Slot "Schedules" will be displayed.
3. Edit Time Slot Schedule
To edit a created Time Slot schedule, click on the 3 dots
4. Click on Override Create
Click on Override Create to edit and update a timeslot schedule.
5. Update Time Slot Schedule
Select the days, start and end dates, and/or start and end times that you would like to update.
6. Save Updated Time Slot Schedule
Once the desired changes have been made, click "Save"
7. Add New Time Slot Schedule
To add a new time slot schedule, click "+ Add Schedule"
8. Select Time Slot
If a time slot exists, select from the dropdown
9. Add New Time Slot
If no time slot exists, click "+" to create a new one
10. Name the Time Slot
11. Save Slot Name
Once you've provided a name and external ID (optional) click the checkmark to "Save"
12. Select Days, Dates and/or Times
Once you've created a Slot Name, apply any the following to the Time Slot Schedule:
Days of the week
Start and End Date
Start and End Time
Note: At least 1 of these items must be selected, but you can select all 3 to be as specific with your schedule as you'd like.
13. Save Time Slot Schedule
Once updates have been made, click "Save" to create the new Time Slot Schedule.