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Beam Overview
Updated over a week ago

Beam Overview

Beam is an app & integration that helps mission-driven restaurants and retail brands build loyalty and brand community around shared values, not transactional discounts. Beam lets customers donate part of each purchase to a supported nonprofit they choose while checking out from a curated set of options reflecting the brand's values. As customers track their impact towards goals as a community, like funding 400 meals for local New York families, they increasingly use their spending power at Beam partners that reflect what they believe in, driving stronger, long-term loyalty.

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Feature Contents:

How does Beam work?

  • Within checkout, customers can choose one of the non-profit organizations, and the brand donates approximately a chosen percentage of their purchase to the non-profit organization.

  • There is a minimum of 1% donation, OR a brand can do in-kind donations (i.e., one meal for every purchase). Usually, meal math nets out to $0.20 / meal.

  • Brand partners can choose to do promotions on a time-bound basis, multiplying the percentage donated (i.e., We'll double your impact for Earth Day).

  • Customers can track the tangible impact of each donation, both individually and with the entire restaurant community, too.

    • For example, customers can see they are 80% of the way to funding the purchase and protection of 50 acres of the Amazon rainforest.

  • NOTE: When a restaurant partner chooses to change non-profits this will reset the favorite selections for their brand. To make changes to the non-profit they wish to donate to the restaurant partner must reach out to their Beam account rep.

  • Brands can access and track their personal dashboard by going to Contact the Beam Representative for login details.

First-Time Guests

  1. After placing an order, guests will be able to select a charitable organization to donate a percentage of the total amount to.

  2. Guest can either select a charity organization or skip the selection.

  3. If a guest skips a selection, every time after placing an order, it will prompt them to select an organization to donate to.

  4. The donation amount represents a percentage of the total amount of the order.

  5. The donation amount is being taken from the total order amount, with no extra cost for guests.

Subsequent Orders

  1. Upon checkout, the guest can choose the same charity and a percentage of the total amount will go to the previously selected charity organization.

  2. The guest also has an option to choose a different charitable organization as well.

  3. In order to make an impact, the guest must choose the initial organization and then update it according to their preference:

    • Guests can track their donation progress and impact after placing each order using the Beam Impact App:

    • Guests can track personal impact for every chosen organization.

    • Guests can see what percentage of their order goes to the selected organization.

    • Guests can see the total community impact for each charity organization.

Setting Up Beam / Lunchbox Integration

Beam Account Creation

Step 1: In order to begin integration a client must first set up a Beam account by using the form at the following link:

Beam API Access Email

  • In order to properly set up the Beam integration, Lunchbox needs to be granted access to the following Beam environments:

    • Development/Sandbox

    • Production Environments

  • Each environment will have three (3) keys that we require:

    • Beam API key (App)

    • Widget ID (Web)

    • Store ID

  • A total of six (6) keys will need to be acquired. In order to acquire this information, the Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Delivery Manager must request it from the Beam Team.

Step 1: The CSM or Delivery Manager must send the following Beam Access Key Email Template email to [email protected]. This API key request must include the location ID for all locations within the template.

NOTE: This template must be edited for the specific restaurant group by the Delivery Manager or CSM. When sending the template, it must have the Restaurant Partner CC’d. This must be completed as soon as the Restaurant Partner confirms that the account is set up.

Step 2: The Beam Team member (i.e., Alex from Step 1) will reply back with the necessary information. The Lunchbox CSM or Delivery Manager will create work internally to communicate the information and get an engineer assigned to complete the integration.

Testing Beam

Once the Beam configuration is completed, the Lunchbox Team and the Beam Team will test the Lunchbox integration. Once the testing is complete, Beam will successfully be added to the Restaurant Partner's ordering experience.


  • Can I update images and/or charities?

    • Updating images and charities must go through your Beam Representative.

  • Can a guest transfer donations from one charitable organization to another?

    • Guests can't transfer donations from one organization to another.

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