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Adding a New Location
Joyce D. avatar
Written by Joyce D.
Updated over a year ago

Creating a New Location


NOTE: This process is different from POS to POS; it is also important to note that Toast automatically syncs locations.

Step 1: Ensure that the Brand dropdown has your newly created Restaurant Group selected.


Step 2: In the Admin Dashboard, select the Locations option from the menu pane.


Step 3: The Search For Locations window will appear; click the Create Location button.


Step 4: The Create Location window will swing out from the right-hand side. The following items need to be filled out:

  • Name: The name of the location for the Restaurant Group.

  • External ID: A unique identifier for the new location being created. It is best to use a GUID generator.

  • Address: Begin typing in the desired address; a list of possible locations will appear below. Select the desired location.

Step 5: Select the Create button to create the new location.


Step 6: Immediately refresh the web browser; the new Location will appear in the Locations section. Select the new location to be provided with details.


Step 7: The newly created location’s details will be displayed on the next screen, along with the following options to change:

  • Location Details: Specific information pertaining to the location (GUID, SLUG should be an easy-to-reference Location Name, Address, Phone).

  • Location Status: Status settings (Active or Inactive) for the location as well as the ordering options (i.e., Delivery, Pickup, Kiosk).

  • Edit Details: Time estimates and delivery minimums are input in this section.

  • ASAP Ordering Status: This configuration is automatically set up. The ability to allow for getting orders to the customer as soon as possible.

  • Order Throttling: Information that determines the threshold for quantity or cost of an order requires additional time to be completed.

  • Outposts: This feature exists in the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard, however, it needs to be re-written before customers can begin using it. There is currently no ETA right for when the rewrite will be scheduled.

  • Operating Hours (Delivery, Pickup, Dine In): The hours of operation for the location, depending on the type of order.


Existing Brand, New Location Set-Up Process

NOTE: Lunchbox needs at least two weeks from the launch date to complete your new store setup.

Step 1: Delivery Provider: Before proceeding, confirm that you have fully completed the setup with your delivery provider for this location. You should have an external Business Name and Delivery Radius ready.

Step 2: Lunchbox Billing: Confirm how this location will be billed. If we can use existing ACH information collected during delivery, specify the info in "The Launch Process," Step 1.

Optional: If a new ACH will be billed (e.g., the franchisee ACH will be billed, not corporate), please complete this form.

Step 3: API Access: Reach out to your POS provider and request API verification via email before moving forward.

Step 4: Send any additional details to your CSM or Lunchbox support.

The Launch Process

Step 1: Lunchbox Setup: Your CS Manager will work with Lunchbox Solutions to import the location details to Lunchbox. Confirm that the following information is correct within the location in the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard (Navigate to Locations>Select Location):

  • Is the address correct?

  • Are location, delivery, and pickup hours already set?

  • Confirm the prep time and delivery time.

Step 2: Transaction Payouts: Once the location is imported, your CS Manager will confirm that payment details are ready to be added to the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard under Settings > Payments. These banking details are used to deposit payouts from transactions. Click here for a step-by-step process.

Step 3: Menu Item Images: If you do not have Toast Master Menu/Location Management or this location is working from a new menu, you will need to import menu item images to Lunchbox. Lunchbox will not pull in menu images from Toast.

  • The file size of an item image should be a max 400kb, recommended 150kb.

  • 500 x 889px

Step 4: Lunchbox Testing: Once payment details are added, our team will place a future test order to confirm that pickup and delivery settings are configured correctly.

NOTE: Billing for Lunchbox use is based on your agreement and will be prorated based on
your launch date.

Marketing Process

Step 1: Discount Setup: Confirm discounts are fully set up within your POS profile and run a discount sync under the Discounts tab in the Lunchbox dashboard.

Step 2: Tell your Customers: If running a Grand Opening launch promotion, we can help! Common grand opening promos include free delivery, $ off, % off.

  • Create a push notification, design an email to current guests, post on social, update your in-app marketing carousel.

  • Communicate to your store team about the promotion running.

  • Upload any new customer data to and email your guests to let them know about your opening using an Email Broadcast.

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