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Web Design: Empty Cart
Updated over a week ago

Customize the appearance of the empty cart state to match your brand's style when a guest's cart does not contain any items.

Enable Empty Cart Customization

Enabled: When Enabled, you will be able to customize the following:

How to Customize your Empty Cart Customization

  1. Click on Web

Click on Empty Cart
  1. Click on Empty Cart

Click on Web
  1. Toggle on Enable Empty Cart Customization

Click on highlight
  1. Remove Current Image

Check on
  1. Select image from file upload menu

  1. Customize Empty Cart Text*

Click on Save
  1. Click on Save

  1. View Updated Empty Cart

Click on emptyCart

You have successfully updated your Empty Cart Messaging!

Empty Cart Image

Image displays when guest’s cart does not contain any items.

Accepted File Formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG. WEBP, GIF

File Size Limits: up to 2MB


Empty Cart Text

Text displays underneath the Empty Cart Image

Disabled: When Disabled, cart will display cart icon (primary color) and the text “There are no items in your cart right now. Add items to get started.”

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