Updated over a week ago

Jump to Admin - Dashboard

Dashboard | Landing Page

The "Jump to Admin" Dashboard landing page acts as the Home Page or your LB2 Admin Dashboard and will present highlights and data to you when you first log in.

More features coming soon!

Switch to Old Admin

Step 1: Click on “Switch To Old Admin”

You always have the option to switch back to the previous version of the LB2 dashboard.

Step 2: If you need to switch back to the "Jump to Admin" LB2 Dashboard, simply use your browser's "back" button.


Change Password

Step 1: A dropdown will appear with options

Step 2: Click on Change Password to update your password

Step 3: Update your Password and click "Save"


Step 1: To log out of your account, click "Logout"


Step 1: If you need assistance from the Lunchbox Support team, utilize the LB Chatbot on the bottom right.

Step 2: Provide your Email Address. This will start an email chain to ensure communication isn't lost with Support if you close out the chatbot and the issue isn't resolved. Each discussion has a unique support #.

Step 3: This will trigger a Support Agent to start chatting with you ASAP

Step 4: Provide keywords or a description of the issue you are experiencing, providing attachments when necessary.

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