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LB 2.0 Loyalty Overview
Joyce D. avatar
Written by Joyce D.
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Very Important: Do NOT attempt to update your loyalty program without the assistance of Lunchbox Support. To make updates to your program reach out to your CSM or email [email protected].

Lunchbox Loyalty Overview

Loyalty programs are rewards, discounts, or incentives a restaurant brand offers to attract or retain customers. They are designed to encourage repeat business and offer store or brand loyalty rewards. Typically, the more a customer spends at a store or brand, the greater the rewards. This feature allows the restaurant to enable various campaigns encouraging guests to spend more by increasing ticket averages, visit frequency, or engagement.

Lunchbox facilitates the transfer of information to multiple loyalty providers, allowing the guest’s loyalty profile to be found in the POS via API. Once the guest account has been found, the system will allow the redemption of the rewards or points based on the parameters the loyalty provider sets.

Supported POS

TOAST General Availability for in-store and online

BRINK General Availability for online only. Not available in-store.

ALOHA General Availability for online only. Not available in-store.

REVEL General Availability for online only. Not available in-store.

Lunchbox Loyalty Breakdown

Lunchbox Loyalty allows for:

  • Accrued Point Conversion: allows a restaurant to set the number of Loyalty Points each dollar spent earns. The default is $1 = 1 Point.

    • Example 1: Spend $1 and earn 1 points towards your next reward.

    • Example 2: Spend $1 and earn 5 points towards your next reward.

IMPORTANT: The only value that can be updated is the Points earned. Editing the dollar amount is not currently supported in Lunchbox.

  • Points Required: Points threshold a guest must earn before they are allotted their reward. Points required apply to both a Credit Program and a Coupon Based Program.

    • Example 1: Earn 100 points and receive your reward.

  • Spend X Get Y Program

    • Credit Program: Gives a chosen $-based loyalty credit reward to guests for an accumulated spending amount that can be redeemed over time. The current points will be spent and reset the customer's points journey over again.

      • Example 1: Spend $100 to earn 100 points and get a $5 credit to spend over time.

    • Coupon-Based Program: Gives a chosen Item based, % off based, or $ based coupon code reward to guests for an accumulated spending amount that can be redeemed on a single purchase. The current points will spend and reset the customer's points journey over again.

      • Example 1: Spend $100 to earn 100 points and get a $5 coupon to spend on a single transaction.

      • Example 2: Spend $100 to earn 100 points and get a Free Coffee to spend on a single transaction.

  • Tiered Loyalty: customers can unlock exclusive benefits and rewards as they progress through different levels based on their lifetime spending. A tiered Loyalty System is a way to entice guests to spend more during their visit by encouraging them to cross specific milestones that make the guest eligible to reach a higher tier. This type of program works for one big reason - Exclusivity. By offering a tiered-based system, you encourage the guest to feel extra special by moving up in the tiers. Instead of offering a generic experience for every customer, you can mate attaining new tiers that feel special and incentivize the guest to spend more to seek a better experience. This, in turn, builds trust and brand loyalty, which leads to a boost in spending.

    • Points conversion can vary by tier but cannot vary within a single tier.


Lifetime Points

Spend $1

Get Points

Bronze Tier

0 - 199 Lifetime Points

Spend $1

5 points

Silver Tier

200 - 399 Lifetime Points

Spend $1

7 points

Gold Tier

400+ Lifetime Points

Spend $1

10 points

  • Credit Programs can vary by tier but cannot vary within a single tier.


Lifetime Points

Spend X

Get Y

Bronze Tier

0 - 199 Lifetime Points

Spend $100

$5 credit

Silver Tier

200 - 399 Lifetime Points

Spend $100

$6 credit

Gold Tier

400+ Lifetime Points

Spend $100

$7 credit

  • WARNING: Currently for customers who spend beyond a tier into a later tier guests will not receive the reward from the skipped tier.

  • Tier Reach One-Offs: These are rewards that can be used to incentivize a guest based on lifetime spend and will only be received once upon reaching a Tier. This feature is a great way to add extra incentive to a simpler spend x get y program.

    • Example 1: Earn a lifetime spend of 1000 points and win a free hat!

    • Example 2: Earn a lifetime spend of 10,000 points and win a free sandwich!

  • Sign-Up Bonus: an additional incentive that can be created to encourage guests to sign up. This bonus deposits a chosen reward into a customer’s loyalty wallet when they complete the account creation including account text verification.

  • WARNING: Lunchbox does not support the following:

  • Lunchbox does NOT support more than one sign-up bonus.

    • To combine item-based offers consider offering a combo reward instead. Both Items will need to be ordered in a single transaction.

      • Example: For signing up earn a free coffee and muffin.

    • You could also consider a tier reach one off just above the sign up points threshold.

      • Example: Customer received the sign up bonus and the first tier reach one off threshold is 10 points which the customer will spend with their first transaction and then be awarded the tier reach one off reward

  • Lunchbox does NOT support awarding a sign-up reward automatically to imported customers.

    • If you wish to award a gift to all customers upon moving to Lunchbox the value will need to be added to the customer import sheet and a ticket will need to be escalated to ENG.

  • Wallet Drop: Should a restaurant wish to gift all customers with a particular reward on a specific day or time a ticket can be escalated to ENG to have the reward added to all customer accounts. Please allow a 7-day lead time for implementation.

  • Birthday Reward: Allows you to reward guests on the day of, week of, or month of their birthday as long as they have their birthday added to their profile.

Birthday Reward Limitations:

  • Day of Birthday Reward is gifted on the date of a customer's birthday at 4 AM EST. This time is not customizable. If a customer signs up after 4 AM on the Date of their birthday they will not be gifted the reward until the following year.

  • Week of Birthday Reward is gifted on Monday at 4 AM EST. This date and time are not customizable. If a customer signs up after the Monday of the Week of their birthday they will not be gifted the reward until the following year.

  • Month of Birthday Reward is gifted on the morning of the 1st of the month at 4 AM EST. This date and time are not customizable. If a customer signs up after the first of the month of their birthday they will not be gifted the reward until the following year.

  • Pro Tip: Rewards can be manually assigned to the customer using the Lunchbox Admin.

  • Reward Expiration: This feature allows you to set any qty of days that a reward will be active in the users wallet. We recommend setting these just below your average users visit frequency to encourage more frequent visits:

    • Example: If your average guest dines once a month consider having the reward expire in a shorter time frame.

  • Double Points Day Promotions: Points Promotions work by enabling users to configure specific days when they can earn loyalty points at an adjusted ratio based on dollars spent.


  • Mass Wallet Drops require a request to the Lunchbox account manager.

  • Cannot have more than one sign-up bonus added to an account.

  • Cannot create recurring tiered rewards.

  • Cannot assign timeframes to a tiered loyalty program.

  • We cannot have a reward for app downloads only.

  • We are not able to support Double Points Day functionality.

  • Awarded Bonus names do not update in the Wallet when changed in the Loyalty Database. This is expected behavior and helps clarify when a reward was issued for troubleshooting purposes.

  • Rewards orders are not returned to the wallet when orders are voided or refunded.

Loyalty Glossary

  1. Loyalty Rewards:

    1. Open Discount: These are discounts that can be configured at the POS or Coupon/Promo code level with the “discount value” left “open” to allow flexible “Loyalty Credit” amounts to be applied at checkout without the need to create a new discount code each time. In order to use the concept of “Loyalty Credits” in LB Loyalty, talk to your account manager.

    2. Discount Partner (Promotion Partner) - these are the partners LB Loyalty is integrated with for discount applications. These can be Point of Sales (e.g., Toast) or Ordering Providers (e.g., LB Enterprise)

    3. External ID for Discount Configuration: This ID lets LB Loyalty know which Discount to integrate into the specified Discount Partner.

    4. Location ID for Discount Configuration: optional override ID that allows an open discount to be configured for a specific location(s)

    5. Loyalty Credit (Reward): a reward that vends a specific dollar amount of “credit” into a guest's Loyalty Wallet. It is always linked to an “open discount” in either the POS or Ordering Provider.

    6. Coupon Code (Reward): a reward that vends a specific “coupon code” that is pre-created in either the POS or Ordering Provider

  2. Loyalty Programs

    1. Spend Program: A “Spend X, Get Y” loyalty program that rewards guests who spend a certain amount of money.

    2. Accrued Point Conversion: This configuration allows a restaurant to set the number of Accrued Loyalty Points for each dollar spent earned. The default is $1 = 1 Point.

    3. Tiered Point 1 Off is a configuration that allows a restaurant to set the number of Lifetime Loyalty Points required to receive a reward once.

    4. Points Required: point threshold a guest must earn before they are vented their reward

  3. Loyalty Bonuses

    1. Sign-Up Bonus: an additional incentive that can be created to encourage guests to sign up. This bonus deposits a chosen reward into a customer’s loyalty wallet when they complete account creation.

  4. Guest UX/UI

    1. Loyalty Wallet: terminology for the guest pages(s) that show loyalty points and loyalty rewards that a guest has earned

Lunchbox Loyalty Capabilities

Click this link to read more about Lunchbox Loyalty Required and Recommended Loyalty Structures.

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