Analytics: Sales Reports
This report was developed to show a breakdown of Sales for all locations or 1 location and filter by date & source.
This report shows:
Total Orders
Total Sales
Average Ticket (per order)
Sales Overview
Sales Breakdown (per day sales)
If the user has one of the Admin or Corp Manager roles, he/she will see the aggregated report of all locations.
If the user is a Store Manager, he/she can only see and filter the collected reports of the locations assigned to him.
How are Sales calculated?
Order Count: The sum of the number of orders in each period depending on time, source, and location filters
Taxes: Sum of the tax value of all orders in the period
Tips: Sum of the tip value of all orders in the period
Delivery Fee: Sum of the delivery charge value of all orders in the period
Discount: Sum of the coupon value of all orders in the period
Sales Total: Sum of the subtotal + delivery charge of all orders in the period