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Local Menu Management
Joyce D. avatar
Written by Joyce D.
Updated over a year ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2 Enterprise customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

Local Menu Management

This guide will show you how to access a specific store’s menu, where you have the ability to manage menu items and local prices.

Table of Contents

Local Menu for Users with Store Manager Access

Accessing your Local Menu

To access the menu for a specific location:

Step 1: Click the profile icon in the top right corner of your site

Step 2: Log in with your management account credentials

Step 3: Click the gear icon in the top right corner that displays after successful login, which will open your Backend Management site in a new tab

Step 4: On the newly opened Management Tab, click on the Menus Tab

Step 5: Depending upon your Management access level, you will see one of the following screens:

  • If you have store manager access and manage more than one location, you will need to click the menu icon next to the store number you wish to access:

  • If you have store manager access and only manage one location, you may skip to step 6.

Step 6: To access your items, click Menu Items under the menu you wish to view or edit:

Step 7: This is your store’s menu page. All of your store’s available items will be displayed here, grouped by categories, along with item name, menu availability, global pricing and your local, store-specific pricing:

Note: If you do not have an account with management access, please register as a customer and ask Lunchbox to upgrade your account.

Enable or Disable a Local Item

Your menu shows all items that are available at the global level. Some items might be listed on your menu that your location does not offer, or you run out of a particular item and wish to hide it from the customer on the front end. To do this, you would need to disable the item on your store menu:

Step 1: Click Menu Items under the menu you wish to edit:

Step 2: Mark an item as disabled for the store by clicking the red unavailable icon (turning it red/disabled - will not display on the front end for ordering)

Step 3: Mark an item as enabled for the store by clicking the green available icon (turning it green/enabled - making it available for online ordering at this location):

Note: If your location is POS integrated, item availability will be updated via local-level menu imports and should be managed in the store’s POS.

Edit Local Item Pricing

To edit individual local item pricing:

Step 1: Click Menu Items under the menu you wish to edit:

Step 2: Click the pencil icon to the far right of the item that you wish to edit:

Step 3: This configuration screen will show you the sizes and styles in which this item is available, the status of the item (enabled or disabled), and the local item pricing. Update the item pricing for each size and/or style, as needed

Step 4: Click Save:

Note: If your location is POS integrated, item pricing will be updated via local-level menu imports and should be managed in the store’s POS.

View Child Pricing Rules

To view child pricing rules:

Step 1: Click Menu Items under the menu you wish to edit:

Step 2: Click the pencil icon to the far right of the item that you wish to edit or to the left of the category name to view all items in that category

Step 3: Click the plus icon to Show/Hide override tables

Step 4: Your child pricing rules will display below:

Note: If your location is POS integrated, child pricing will be updated via local-level menu imports and should be managed in the store’s POS.

Edit Local Pricing by Category

To edit the pricing for all items in a category from one screen:

Step 1: Click Menu Items under the menu you wish to edit:

Step 2: Click the pencil icon to the left of the category name:

Step 3: This configuration screen will show you the sizes and styles in which the items are available, the status of the items (enabled or disabled), and the local pricing for all items in the selected category. Update pricing for each item, including size and/or style, as needed

Step 4: Click Save:

Note: If your location is POS integrated, item pricing will be updated via local-level menu imports and should be managed in the store’s POS.

Modifiers (Non-POS Locations only)

When a customer places an order, they have choices to make when selecting certain items. What kind of bread would they like? Would they like their sandwich toasted? For non-POS locations, these are called Modifiers.

Accessing your Modifiers (Non-POS Locations only)

To access your modifiers:

Step 1: Click Modifier Lists under the appropriate menu:

Step 2: This will pull up your store’s modifiers page. All of your store’s available modifiers, grouped by prompts, will be displayed here, along with modifier name, availability, global pricing and your local, store-specific pricing

Enable or Disable a Modifier (Non-POS Locations only)

Step 1: Click Modifier Lists under the appropriate menu:

Step 2: Enable a currently disabled modifier by clicking the local red unavailable icon (turning it red/disabled - will not display on the front end for ordering at this location)

Step 3: Disable a currently enabled modifier by clicking the local green available icon (turning it green/enabled - making it available for online ordering at this location):

Edit Local Modifier Pricing (Non-POS Locations only)

Step 1: Click Modifier Lists under the appropriate menu:

Step 2: Click the pencil icon to the left of the prompt name:

Step 3: This configuration screen will show you the sizes and styles in which the modifiers are available, the status (enabled or disabled), and the local pricing for all modifiers available in the selected prompt. Update pricing for each modifier, including size and/or style, as needed

Step 4: Click Save

Note: If you have an item listed in two modifier lists, you will need to update each one individually.

Local Menu for Users with Corporate Manager or Higher Access

Accessing the Local Menu with Corporate Level Access or Higher

To access the menu for a specific location:

Step 1: Click the profile icon in the top right corner of your site

Step 2: Log in with your management account credentials

Step 3: Click the gear icon in the top right corner that displays after successful login, which will open your Backend Management site in a new tab

Step 4: On the newly opened Management Tab, click on the Menus Tab

Step 5: Select the Edit Menu for a Location link and choose a store from the store search:

Step 6: To access your items, click Menu Items under the menu you wish to view or edit:

Assign Menu to a Location

A store needs to have a menu assigned to it in order for customers to order online. To assign a menu to a specific location:

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: Select the appropriate menu and mode combination from the dropdown

Step 4: Click Add

Note: If you previously selected a store, step 2 will not be necessary, as you will be taken to that store’s menu page. To select an alternate store, click Select a Different Location at the top of the screen.

Activate/Deactivate a Local Menu

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: To the right of each menu is the Menu ID and the Mode ID that is assigned to the location

Step 4: Click the status to change it (if you click Active it will change the status to Inactive and vice-versa):

Local Menu Hours

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: Click the clock icon to the right of the menu name:

Step 4: Select the menu that you wish to update the hours for from the dropdown

Step 5: You can choose to use the default menu hours or customize your hours and select the appropriate radio button. If you choose the default menu hours, skip to step 8

Step 6: Update the menu hours for each day of the week by choosing the open and close time from the appropriate drop downs. If the menu will be unavailable on specific days of the week, check the Closed box next to the appropriate day

Step 7: If the menu will have the same hours for each day, simply enter the hours in the first row and click the blue down arrow to copy the hours to the below days

Step 8: Click Update to save your changes:

Note: Local menu hours can also easily be updated via the Business Hours tab in back-end management.

Edit Menu Hours for a Location for a Specific Date

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: Click the clock icon to the right of the menu name:

Step 4: Under the Override Hours for this Location subtab, you have the option to temporarily change your menu’s opening and/or closing hours for a specific date

Step 5: Choose the Menu that you wish to override hours for from the Please Choose A Menu dropdown

Step 6: Choose the date from the Calendar dropdown in the Date field

Step 7: Choose the radio button next to Start Time and choose Set to to change your opening time and/or End Time to change your menu hours

Step 8: Click Set

If you wish to edit hours for more than one day, repeat the above process for each menu that will need the override hours.

Close Location for a Specific Date

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: Click the clock icon to the right of the menu name:

Step 4: Under the Override Hours for this Location subtab, you have the option to temporarily change your menu’s opening and/or closing hours for a specific date

Step 5: Choose the Menu that you wish to override hours for from the Please Choose A Menu dropdown

Step 6: Choose the date from the Calendar dropdown in the Date field

Step 7: Check the Closed for the entire day box

Step 8: Click Set

If you wish to mark a location as closed for more than one day, repeat the above process for each day that the menu hours will differ

Enable/Disable Item at Local Level

To enable or disable an item at the store level:

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select the desired location:

Step 3: Click the Menu Items link below the menu that contains the item you wish to enable/disable:

Step 4: Edit item availability for the store by clicking the red unavailable icon under the Local section to deactivate the item (turning it red/disabled - hiding it from the front end for ordering), or clicking the green available icon to activate the item (turning it green/enabled - making it available online for ordering at this location):

Local Level Pricing

To edit the pricing for a specific location:

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: Enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select from the dropdown:

Step 3: Click the + to the left of the menu to drill down

Step 4: Click the |dollar| next to the category or item that you wish to edit the pricing for:

Step 5: Edit pricing, as needed

Step 6: Click Save to save in the selected mode or Save and apply globally to apply pricing to all modes:

Third-Party Delivery Pricing/ Applying Surcharges

To update the surcharges on your menu pricing for the third-party delivery companies, follow the below steps:

Step 1: From the Menus Tab, click the Edit Menu for a Location link:

Step 2: If a store is not selected, enter the store number for the location in the Store Search box and select from the dropdown:

Step 3: Click the Menu Items link for the menu you wish to access:

Step 4: On the local menu screen, click the Edit Surcharges link directly below the menu name:

Step 5: Select the appropriate menu, category, item, and/or size/style, as needed, along with the appropriate surcharge

Step 6: Click Add Surcharge:

Step 7: Repeat the above steps for any categories or items that you wish to update the surcharge on

Note: You must provide the surcharge dollar amounts or percentages that you wish to show up as options to Lunchbox to upload before they will be available in the dropdown.

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