This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a payment gateway using the information provided in a Fiserve Buypass VAR (Value Added Reseller) sheet.
Access to the BOA Bypass VAR sheet from Fiserv setup with term type I4.
We should receive an I4 VAR sheet from Fiserv that contains all the necessary configuration details required to set up the payment gateway.
The VAR sheet will typically include:
Buypass ID - This value contains both of the following IDs
Bank Identification Number (BIN)
Terminal ID (TID)
Datawire ID (DID)
Sample I4 Buypass VAR Sheet:
Once the VAR Sheet is generated and credentials are shared then Lunchbox will perform the following to set up Payment Processing.
Configure The Global Payment Type EXT ID
Setting up the global Payment Type EXT ID is only required if a restaurant shares the same Payment/Tender Type EXT ID across all locations.
Step 1: Log in to the client’s URL.
Step 2: Go to the Menus tab
Step 3: Next Click Payment Types found under Admin Links
Step 4: Locate and click the Global Payment Type BOS Buypass
Step 5: Add the Global Payment/Tender ID in the EXT ID field
Step 6: Click Save
Configure the Local Payment Type EXT ID
Before configuring the Payments field for live Gateway, ensure your client's VAR sheets are available.
Step 1: Log in to the client’s URL.
Step 2: You’ll typically find yourself in the Locations field. Enter your location in the Store Search field that you wish to configure.
Step 3: Go to the Payments field and click the “New Payment Configuration” tab
Step 4.
a: In the description field, enter Credit Card.
b: On the Payment Type field, select BOA Bypass.
c: On the External ID field, enter the Payment GUID/Tender ID or the integer value for the relevant payment type of the location and click the Add button.
Step 5: You’ll need to set up the Gateway Account, click the Edit Gateways button, and be ready to add the information from the VAR sheets.
a: Select the New Gateway tab
b: Enter the description of the Gateway in the Description field. In this case, enter BOA Bypass Gateway
c: On the Gateway field, select BOA ByPass from the list then click the Add button
d: Once added click on the newly created Gateway and add the following details...
In the Merchant Number/ID field copy the 6 digits before the last three digits of the Buypass ID Number or BID
In the DID field copy the DID(Datawire ID) number
Copy the Terminal ID (TID) from the Varsheet (only copy in the last 2 numbers)
The information can be found in the VAR sheets.
e: Once added click the Update button.
Step 6: To complete the setup, click the Payments Tab and navigate back to the payment type that you created in Step 3. Next, find the Gateway Acct field and select the Buypass gateway account that you have just created.
Step 7: On the Capture Step field, select Complete Order.
Step 8: Select all the card types accepted by referring to the VAR sheets, then click on the Update button.
Step 9: To enable the payment processing that you have just created, go to the Service Types tab, unmark the gateway used for testing (normally this is Test CC), select the Credit Cards under the Payment Processing tab then click on the Save Changes button.
Step 10: Next remove the Test Credit Card Payment Type and Gateway.
Repeat this for all locations including the Gift Card Location if a restaurant has purchased ECard.
Congratulations! You now have completed the process!