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Master External ID Checklist
Master External ID Checklist
Updated over a week ago

Master External ID Checklist

In this article, we’ll simply review where External IDs are located within the Lunchbox 2.0 dashboard.

Table of Contents


Types of External IDs

  • Global POS External IDs: POS External IDs used for multiple locations that can be set in Lunchbox

  • Local POS External IDs: POS External IDs used for individual locations that are set in Lunchbox and overwrite Global settings.

  • Global Non-POS External IDs: External IDs used for multiple locations that can be set in Lunchbox for integrations such as:

    • Order Provider External IDs

    • Loyalty External IDs

    • Payment External IDs

    • Delivery Provider External IDs

  • Local Non-POS External IDs: External IDs are used for individual locations that are set in Lunchbox and overwrite Global settings.

    • Payment / Gift Card External IDs

    • Loyalty External IDs

    • Delivery Provider External IDs

    • Order Aggregation Provider External IDs

Note: For POS External IDs (i.e. GUIDs, Codes, Destinations, etc.) and POS settings, this documentation will use Lunchbox verbiage to explain what is needed knowing that the naming convention is different for all POS.

Mandatory External POS IDs

The following mandatory external IDs needed from various POS solutions are in the order needed for onboarding or adjusting a client’s information and how it flows from Lunchbox to the POS.

Note: Before performing any of the following, be sure an Organization is created for the brand in the LB Dashboard. Navigate to Menus > Admin Links > Edit Organizations to do this. Details Here.


  • Global External IDs: N/A

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Name] > Site ID


  • Global External IDs: Menus > Create a new Menu > External ID

    • Additional Menus and/or Region/Location-specific items: Menus > Admin Links > Switch to Mode Editor > Create a New Mode -then- Menus > Create a new Menu > External ID

    • Assign Menu Master Restaurants: Menus > (select) Menu Name > (select) Restaurant Name > (select) Menu Name > (select) Mode > (select) Active > Add

    • Assign Menu to Location: Menus > Edit Menu for a Location > (add) Menu Name

  • Local External IDs: Menus > Create a new Menu > External ID

    • Assign Menu Master Restaurant: Menus > (select) Menu Name > (select) Restaurant Name > (select) Menu Name > (select) Mode > (select) Active > Add

    • Assign Menu to Location: Menus > Edit Menu for a Location > (add) Menu Name


  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Payment Types > [Payment Type Name] > External ID

  • Local External IDs: Service Types > [Service Type Name] > External ID > Local

Service Types

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Service Types > [Service Type Name] > External ID

  • Local External IDs: Payments > [Payment Type Name] > External ID

Sales Tax

(this may autopopulate for some POS Solutions)

  • Global External IDs: Sales Tax > (no location selected) > Tax > External ID > Tax Rate > External ID > Tax Groups > External ID

  • Local External IDs: Sales Tax > (location selected) > Tax > External ID > Tax Rate > External ID > Tax Groups > External ID

Upcharge Groups/ Items

(required for some POS Solutions)

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit POS Provider > [POS Provider Name] > Upcharge Item Group GUID / Upcharge Item GUID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Provider Name] > Upcharge Item Group GUID / Upcharge Item GUID

Open Item

(required for some POS Solutions)

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit POS Provider > [POS Provider Name] > Instore Open Item ID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Provider Name] > Instore Open Item ID


(required for Partners charging a delivery fee)

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit POS Provider > [POS Name] > Delivery Charge ID/GUID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Name] > Delivery Charge ID/GUID

Comment Item

(required for some POS Solutions)

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit POS Provider > [POS Provider Name] > Comment Item ID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Provider Name] > Comment Item ID


(required for some POS Solutions)

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit POS Provider > [POS Provider Name] > Section ID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > POS Providers > [POS Provider Name] > Section ID


(required for Coupons and integrating Loyalty to the POS)

  • Global External IDs: Coupons > (no location selected) Lookup POS Reference -or- Coupons > Create Coupon > (no location selected) Lookup POS Reference

  • Local External IDs: Coupons > (location selected) Lookup POS Reference -or- Coupons > Create Coupon > (location selected) POS Reference

Optional External POS IDs

For Order Aggregation Providers, we want to enter an External Service Type ID so that the receipt at the restaurant is labeled and reported properly.

Order Aggregation Provider Service Types

Note: Order Provider IDs would only be used if Order Aggregation is purchased.

  • Global External IDs: Menus > Admin Links > Edit Order Provider > [Order Provider Name] > Service Type Ext ID

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > Order Providers > [Order Provider Name] > Service Type Ext ID

External Payment / Gift Card IDs

These Payment and Gift Card IDs may include the following (depending on the Payment Processor you are using):

  • Location ID

  • App ID

  • Location ID


  • Merchant ID

  • Terminal ID

  • Bank ID

These IDs can be entered at the local level only for each location in the Edit Gateway section of Payments:

Payments / Gift Cards

  • Global External IDs: N/A

  • Local External IDs: Payments > [Payment Type Name] > Edit Gateways > IDs

External Loyalty IDs

For Lunchbox Loyalty or Integrated Loyalty solutions, you’ll need to connect by selecting the order provider for each location and see if you need to enter any Global information to make the connection per documentation.

Loyalty / Scan to Pay

  • Global External IDs: Settings > foreign_auth:lunchbox > instore_url, config_fields, open_item_guid

  • Local External IDs: Locations > Select Location > Loyalty Provider

External Delivery Provider IDs

External Delivery Partners may require some or all of the following information:

  • Restaurant Business Name

  • Options Group ID

  • Organization ID

  • Config URL

  • API Key

Delivery Providers

  • Global External IDs: Delivery > No Location Selected

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > Delivery Providers > [Delivery Provider Name] > Local

External Order Aggregation Provider IDs

Depending on the Order Aggregation Provider, they will require IDs to be set up at a local level in the Lunchbox Admin Dashboard to connect with the Marketplace. All Global Order Provider IDs are either already pre-configured or are for POS External IDs Only.

Order Aggregation Providers

  • Global External IDs: N/A

  • Local External IDs: Integrations > Order Providers > [Order Provider Name] > [Order Provider Name] ID

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