The Payments tab is used to create Payment Methods for customers to use at Checkout. After Payment Processor agreements are finalized, Lunchbox Configurations can go to the Payments tab and set up Payments and their appropriate Payment Gateways to ensure that transactions are being processed and deposited into each Restaurant or Brand's bank accounts.
The Payments tab is also used for non-credit card payments such as Gift Cards, Cash, and House Accounts.
Disclaimer: The following is all typically performed by Lunchbox Configurations and Support. Please reach out to Lunchbox Support before making any changes to your Payment Configurations.
1. From the "Jump to Admin" Dashboard, navigate to Operate and click on Payments
Important! Throughout this article and when using these instructions, please ignore Global Credit Card Type Settings. These Global Options are to be used ONLY by Lunchbox Configurations & Support.
2. Click on Payment Configurations for Local Credit Card Type Settings
3. Search and Select a location to manage Payments for
Important! Lunchbox Configurations and/or Brand Admins must configure Payments and usually Payment Gateways for each individual location.
Add Payment Configuration
1. Once you've navigated to the location's Payment Configurations, click Add Payment Configuration
Important! You can only use 1 Payment Configuration for a Credit Card Payment Method for each location if you are using 1 Payment Processor. You are not able to connect to 2 Merchant Accounts from 1 location (for example if you wanted to use 1 merchant account for standard orders and another for catering orders).
2. Configure Payment Configuration Details & Save
Description*: Name this Payment Method like Credit Card, Gift Card, Cash or House Account
Payment Type*: Select the Payment Processor being used, Gift Card, Cash or House Account
External ID: POS Payment External ID that Lunchbox Orders can close out to when orders are sent to the POS (It says optional, but if you have a POS Integration, this is very important for orders to pass through without error)
3. After Saving, select the Payment Method you just created
There are a few more things to configure.
4. On the right-hand side, you'll see the details you've just created as well as some additional important fields.
Gateway Account: Mandatory for Credit Card Payments and the link that connects Lunchbox to the Payment Processor
Capture Step*: Default is and should stay Complete Order unless otherwise directed
Authorize Step/Cap (Optional): The max $ amount this Payment Method will Authorize initially
Capture Cap (Optional): The max $ amount this Payment Method will Capture
Local External ID's (for credit card types): Credit Card or Payment Method to select (like Visa & Mastercard) - detailed in the following step
5. If you don't need to Create a new Gateway for this Payment, select the correct Gateway Option, Toggle on Credit Cards for Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express (to accept Credit Card Payments) and click Save
The following section will walk through how to create and apply a new Payment Gateway (typically needed when creating a new Credit Card Payment Configuration)
Add Payment Gateway
Payment Gateways are mandatory for Credit Card & Gift Card Payment Configurations. Payment Gateways are where Lunchbox adds VAR Sheet information to process payments and send them to the appropriate accounts. Additionally, Payment Gateways are specific to each location and must be created for each to properly connect.
1. From within a Payment Configuration, Click on Edit Gateways
The Gateway Account dropdown will show already created Gateways, which can be selected and saved. This is NOT used to create a new Payment Gateway.
Note: The only way to access Payment Gateways is from within any Payment Configuration
2. All created Gateways will display on the left. Click Add Gateway
3. Configure Gateway Information & Save
Description*: Unique Gateway Name
Payment Type*: Select the Payment Processor that this Gateway will be connecting to
4. Select the newly created Gateway
There is more info to fill out before applying to the Payment Configuration
5. Fill out Payment Method-specific information & Save
Depending on the Payment Processor, you may be required to enter information to make the connection. Some examples include:
Merchant ID
Gateway Merchant Identity ID
Terminal ID
Bank ID
Note: The above are simply examples. Depending on your Payment Processor, these items may include more or less than the examples mentioned.
Apply New Payment Gateway to Payment Configuration
1. Navigate back to Payments, Payment Configurations and select the Payment Configuration the new Payment Gateway needs to be applied to
2. Select the newly-created Gateway Account & Save
Enable Payment Method on a Service Type
Once the Payment Configuration & Gateways have been configured, the last thing you'll need to do is enable them on the Service Types you want to make them available. Follow these instructions to make that happen.
1. Navigate to Service Types & select the Service Type you want to apply the new Payment Method to.
For this example, we'll use Pick-Up
2. Toggle on the new Payment Method
3. Scroll down & click Save
This will make the new payment available to test on your order site for the Service Type you just toggled the Payment Method on.
Delete Payment Gateway
If you are not using a Payment Gateway, it is highly encouraged that you delete the Gateway not in use or issues may arise.
1. Navigate back to Payments, Payment Configurations & Select any Payment Method
For this example, we'll use Test Card.
2. Click on Edit Gateways
3. Click on Delete next to the Gateway you would like to remove.
4. Click Yes to confirm the removal of this Payment Gateway
Warning: This action is not reversible
Delete Payment Configuration
If you are not using a Payment Configuration, it is highly encouraged that you delete the Configuration not in use, or issues may arise.
1. Navigate back to Payments, Payment Configurations and click Delete next to the Payment Configuration you would like to remove
2. Click Yes to confirm the removal of this Payment Configuration
Warning: This action is not reversible