The Promotions and Ads section has three options: Promotion Manager, Ads Manager, and Manage Campaigns option
Promotions Manager
To access the Promotions manager, select Promotions & Ads> Promotions.
The Promotions Manager provides a comprehensive snapshot of performance metrics all in one place, including ROI, sales, budget spent, and lapsed listings for both promotions and ads. It also offers detailed performance data.
Promotions ROI
This graph highlights the success of various active promotions, enabling clients to assess the profitability of special offers and discounts. It measures the return on investment for each promotional activity, providing insights to support informed decisions for increased profitability.
Promotions Sales
Tracks the direct sales boost from the special offers and discounts. It includes the earned revenue and the number of new customers.
Money spent on Promotions
The amount spent on offers/discounts and the average cost to get an order*
Listings with lapsed promotions
Help clients identify restaurant listings with expired promotions, ensuring you stay competitive and boost sales. Select See Listings to view the locations and brands with lapsed promotions, along with details about each promotion and its channel.
Promotions Drill-down
This graph helps clients explore ads and promotion metrics by location and brand, offering detailed insights to make targeted adjustments where they matter most. It provides data on active and completed offers, tracks direct sales from special offers and discounts, displays ROI and distribution channels, and highlights store locations along with the current status of each promotion.
Ads manager
To Access the Ads Manager, elect Promotions & Ads> Ads.
In this section, clients can track Ads ROI, Ad Sales, Money spent on Ads, and listings with lapsed ads.
Tracks and optimizes your restaurant's ad performance on platforms like 3PD, ensuring every dollar spent delivers maximum value. In this section, you can view ad impressions (views), monitor click-through rates, and track conversion rates for deeper insights.
Ads Sales
Represents restaurant sales generated through advertising on 3PD platforms, highlighting the direct impact of each campaign.
Money spent on Ads
This tracker shows the total amount clients invested in advertisements and the average cost of acquiring an order
Listings with lapsed ads
This tracker shows the number of restaurant listings with expired ads, helping clients make informed decisions to boost sales and maintain the restaurant's visibility.
Ads Drill-down
This breakdown enables clients to examine ads and promotions metrics by store location or brand. It contains info on Ads ROI, Impressions, Click Rate, Conversion rate, Ads costs, and Ads lapsed
Click rate
Monitor the engagement of the ads with the click rate metrics. It helps clients understand how often ads are viewed, leading to direct interaction with customers.
Conversion rate
Monitor how many of the above-mentioned clicks turned into actual sales.
Manage Campaign
Select Promotions & Ads > Manage campaigns to get to the creative zone. Here, clients can track Promotion campaigns and Ad Campaigns for all 3PD and also create new campaigns
Promotion Campaigns
This section provides details about each Offers & Promotions campaign running on 3PD delivery platforms, including location information, audience size, active days, and current status.
Ad Campaign
This section provides detailed information about each ad campaign on third-party delivery platforms, including offer type, location details, audience size, target bid, weekly budget, and current status. Clients also have the option to edit the campaign configuration.
Create Campaigns
Within the Create Campaigns Options, clients can set 3PD Ads campaigns and 3PD Promotion campaigns.
When creating an Ads campaign, clients can set:
The 3PD and store locations
Campaign name
Targetted audience
Weekly spending budget for running ads,
Bid amount (how much to pay when someone clicks the ad)
Campaign duration (ongoing or with the end date)
When creating Promotional campaigns, clients can choose one of the following promo options:
Discounts for all customers
Happy Hour discount
Discount for new customers
First order, $0 delivery fee
Discount for lapsed customers
Pay the customer's delivery fee
Offer free or discounted items
IMPORTANT NOTE: Promo campaigns can be set for all connected 3PDs, but campaigns need to be set individually for every 3PD