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Operations Quality
Written by Marija Golubovic
Updated over a month ago


The Operations Quality Dashboard is where we get an understanding of what's wrong with the Operations in general. As a first step, Voosh provides information on what's leading to the charges and why are the customers complaining, and the second step is to fight on the client's behalf and win back the money for the client.

Let's dive deep into the Operations Quality dashboard. In the Overview section you can see the high-level numbers of the following and each category provides a comparison with the previous period of the same duration:

Inaccurate Order

This is the percentage of orders with missing or incorrect items, attributed to the location(s) operations.

Error Charges

These are the charges applied to a restaurant due to inaccuracies in orders delivered to the customers. It also provides a comparison with the previous period of the same duration and shows the error charges percentage changes for that period.

Unfulfilled Order

This is the percentage of orders that are unfulfilled out of total orders.

Avoidable Wait

This is the time between the order being placed and the order being picked up by the driver.

Inaccurate Orders Breakdown

The Operations Quality dashboard offers a detailed view of inaccurate orders and a summary of crucial operational metrics. Here, you can see order inaccuracies, check error charges, and monitor unfulfilled orders to improve performance and customer satisfaction.

Here you can also track inaccurate orders, error costs, and unfulfilled orders over time with trend lines. You can dive deeper into the Issue breakdown to identify the patterns for strategic decision-making. What makes issue breakdown even better is that the client can see the percentage of the repeating issues, such as missing item errors, missing side, never received, etc. but also see the monetary value of the errors.

Inaccurate orders, error charges & avoidable wait

This section offers a detailed analysis of inaccurate orders and error charges at a location, brand, and item level, helping the clients identify specific areas for improvement and track trends.

Unfulfilled Orders drill-down

This section contains a detailed analysis of unfulfilled orders at the selected location(s) and a brand level, helping clients identify areas for improvement. Clients can download reports for easier sharing and isolate the top issues and channels where the issues occurred.

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