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[Analyze] Sales Overview Dashboard
[Analyze] Sales Overview Dashboard
Updated over a week ago


The Sales Overview Dashboard provides high-level KPIs and trends to allow Restaurant Partners a quick understanding of their brand’s current performance. The Restuarant Partner can perform more detailed analyses by drilling down by location/marketplace area, order type, platform, and product.


Feature Availability

  • This feature is available on the New Admin Dashboard only

Data Update Frequency

  • All metrics are updated every hour

Data Definition


  • In-store orders for which patrons used a QR code to only accrue loyalty points (but not pay for the order) are excluded from reporting

    • In-store orders where patrons used the Scan-to-Pay feature (i.e., used a QR code to accrue loyalty points AND pay for the order) are included

    • This change was made based on Restaurant Partner feedback


  • For any date-related fields, the order fulfillment date is used rather than the date on which the order was placed


  • The Cart Average over Time chart is available only for Marketplace Restaurant Partners

  • The Sales by Location chart is available only for single-brand Restaurant Partners

Restaurant Experience

Navigating to the Sales Comparison Dashboard

  • Click on the “Analyze” tab in the navigation bar

  • Click on the “Dashboard” button in the left-hand menu bar

  • Click on the “Sales Overview Dashboard” button


Defining the Dashboard Parameters

Date Range

  • The dropdown menu can be used to select one of the following pre-defined date ranges: today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 3 months, and last year

  • Alternatively, the date picker to the right of the dropdown menu can be used to set a custom date range

  • By default, the last 30 days is selected


  • In the time zone section, choose which time zone should be used to determine the order fulfillment date and time

  • By default, EST is selected


Location (Single-Brand) or Area (Marketplace)

  • In the Locations (single-brand) or Areas (marketplace) field, use the dropdown menu to select which location(s) or area(s) should be included; multiple options can be selected

  • Alternatively, you can also type in a location or area name directly in the field. As you type, the drop-down list will show locations or areas whose names most closely match the input. Once you see the location or area you want to pick, click on the name.

    • Multiple options can be added

  • By default, all locations or areas are selected

Order Type

  • Use the dropdown menu to select which of the following order types(s) should be included; multiple options can be selected

    • Pickup

    • Delivery

    • Dine In

    • Pocket Kiosk

  • By default, all order types are selected



  • Use the dropdown menu to select which of the ordering platform(s) should be included; multiple options can be selected

    • Android

    • App Subscription (Subscription orders)

    • Toast (Scan-to-Pay orders)

    • iOS

    • Web

  • By default, all platforms are selected



  • Use the dropdown menu to select which of the ordering product(s) should be included; multiple options can be selected

    • Catering: Catering orders

    • Direct Order: Non-recurring (i.e., non-subscription) Web and App orders

    • Pocket Kiosk: Pocket Kiosk ordres

    • Scan To Pay: In-store orders paid with Scan-to-Pay

    • Subscription: Subscription orders

  • By default, all products are selected


Apply Filters

  • Once the desired options are selected, continue refining other criteria or click on the “Apply Filter” button to apply the parameters

    • Please note that clicking on the “Apply Filter” button will apply all changes to reporting parameters


Data Definition


  • In-store orders for which patrons used a QR code to only accrue loyalty points (but not pay for the order) are excluded from reporting

    • In-store orders where patrons used the Scan-to-Pay feature (i.e., used a QR code to accrue loyalty points AND pay for the order) are included

    • This change was made based on Restaurant Partner feedback


  • For any date-related fields, the order fulfillment date is used rather than the date on which the order was placed

Data Update Frequency

  • All metrics are updated every hour

Understanding the Data

Sales(GMV) Trend

  • At the top of the section are the total GMV figures for the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey)

  • The percentage label at the top of the section shows the change in total GMV between the chosen date range and the same date range a year ago

  • Below are line graphs that show the daily GMV over the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey).

  • When hovering over the line graph, the GMV figures at the top will be updated to show the Daily GMV figures for a specific date during the chosen time period (in teal) and the same date a year ago (in grey)

    • The percentage change label will also be updated to show the variance in daily GMV between the two days


Guest Trend

  • At the top of the section are the total number of unique patrons for the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey)

  • The percentage label at the top of the section shows the change in the total number of unique visitors between the chosen date range and the same date range a year ago

  • Below are line graphs that show the daily number of unique visitors over the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey)

  • When hovering over the line graph, the figures at the top will be updated to show the daily number of unique visitors for a specific date during the chosen time period (in teal) and the corresponding date a year ago (in grey)

    • The percentage change label will also be updated to show the variance in the daily number of unique visitors between the two days


Orders Trend

  • At the top of the section are the total number of orders fulfilled for the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey)

  • The percentage label at the top of the section shows the change in the total number of orders fulfilled between the chosen date range and the same date range a year ago

  • Below are line graphs that show the daily number of orders fulfilled over the chosen date range (in teal) and the same date range a year ago (in grey)

  • When hovering over the line graph, the figures at the top will be updated to show the daily number of orders fulfilled for a specific date during the chosen time period (in teal) and the corresponding date a year ago (in grey)

    • The percentage change label will also be updated to show the variance in the daily number of orders fulfilled between the two days


Executive KPIs

  • The Executive KPI section shows the following key metrics

    • The percentages show how the metrics have changed since the same time period a year ago

Metric Name


Total Amount

  • Total Sales + Tax + Tip + Service Charges - Discounts - Redeemed Loyalty

Avg Check

  • Total Sales (GMV) divided by the number of orders

Avg Tip

  • Total Tip divided by the number of orders

Avg Service Charge

  • Average total service charge among orders with service charges

Avg Discount

  • Average applied discount among orders with discounts

Avg Redeemed Loyalty

  • The average dollar value of redeemed loyalty awards among orders with loyalty redemptions

New Guests

  • The number of new guests who have placed and received an order

Returning Guests

  • Percentage of returning guests (% of guests with 2 or more orders) among all guests

Pickup Orders

  • The number of pickup orders fulfilled

Delivery Orders

  • The number of delivery orders fulfilled

Web Orders

  • The number of Web orders fulfilled

App Orders

  • The number of iOS & Andriod orders fulfilled

Sales Over Time

  • The Sales Over Time chart shows how GMV generated on each platform has changed over time

  • The picker at the bottom can be used to change how the GMV date is aggregated and plotted

    • It is set to Daily by default

  • Hovering over a dot within the graph will bring up a pop-up box that shows the GMV for a specific hour / day / week / month

  • The export button in the upper right-hand corner of the chart will export the current view of the data in a CSV format with the following columns:


Column Name


hour_shifted_fulfillment_date / day_of_week_shifted_fulfillment_date / week_shifted_fulfillment_date / month_shifted_fulfillment_date

Hour / Day / Week / Month period


The name of the platform


Total GMV

Check Average Over Time (Marketplaces Only)

  • The Check Average Over Time chart shows how the check average on each platform has changed over time

  • The picker at the bottom can be used to change how the GMV date is aggregated and plotted

    • It is set to Daily by default

  • Hovering over a dot within the graph will bring up a pop-up box that shows the GMV for a specific hour / day / week / month

  • The export button in the upper right-hand corner of the chart will export the current view of the data in a CSV format with the following columns:


Column Name



  • The order fulfillment date


  • The name of the platform


  • The check average

Delivery / Pickup Sales by Platform

  • The Delivery / Pickup Sales by Platform bar chart shows, for each order type, how much GMV was generated on each platform

  • Hovering over a bar will bring up a pop-up box that shows the total GMV for the period for delivery or pick-up by platform

  • The export button in the upper right-hand corner of the chart will export the current view of the data in a CSV format with the following columns:


Column Name



  • Delivery or Pickup


  • The name of the platform


  • Total GMV

Sales by Location (Single-Brand Only)

  • The Sales by Location chart is a box and whisker chart that shows the maximum, upper quartile, median, lower quartile, and minimum of check sizes by location

  • Hovering over a bar will bring up a pop-up box that shows the maximum, upper quartile, median, lower quartile, and minimum figures for the chosen location

  • The export button in the upper right-hand corner of the chart will export the current view of the data in a CSV format with the following columns:


Column Name



  • The name of the location


  • The minimum daily GMV


  • The lower quartile of daily GMV


  • The median daily GMV


  • The upper quartile of daily GMV


  • The maximum daily GMV

Orders Heatmap

  • The Orders Heatmap helps Restaurant Partners visualize how the number of orders fulfilled varies by time of the day (the vertical axis) and day of the week (the horizontal axis)

  • To the right of the heatmap is a scale that shows how different shades of teal correspond to the number of orders

  • Hovering over a specific grid on the heatmap will show the number of fulfilled orders during that time of day and day of the week

  • The export button in the upper right-hand corner of the chart will export the current view of the data in a CSV format with the following columns:


Column Name



  • The day of the week (the horizontal axis). 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, and so on.


  • The beginning of the time of day period in a 24-hour time format (the vertical axis).

  • In other words, 19 corresponds to the 7:00-7:59PM time period.


  • The number of orders fulfilled during the chosen time period

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