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[Analyze] Enhanced Sales Report
[Analyze] Enhanced Sales Report
Updated over a week ago


The new Sales Report tabulates a wide range of Sales metrics by location, platform, order type, and payment method. Restuarant Partners can filter the report by order fulfillment date and location. In addition, the data can be exported at an aggregate (i.e., as summarized on the page) or order level for additional analyses.


Feature Availability

  • This feature is available on the New Admin Dashboard only

Data Definition


  • In-store orders for which patrons used a QR code to only accrue loyalty points (but not pay for the order) are excluded from reporting

    • In-store orders where patrons used the Scan-to-Pay feature (i.e., used a QR code to accrue loyalty points AND pay for the order) are included

    • This change was made based on Restaurant Partner feedback


  • For any date-related fields, the order fulfillment date is used rather than the date on which the order was placed

Time Zone

  • All reporting is done in UTC time zone

Data Update Frequency

  • All metrics are updated every hour

Adjusting Report Layout

  • The order of the columns in the report cannot be adjusted

  • The hierarchy of row groupings in the report cannot be adjusted

Restaurant Experience

Navigating to the Sales Report

  • Click on the “Analyze” tab in the navigation bar

  • In the menu bar on the left-hand side, click on “Reports”

  • Navigate to the “Sales” section and click on the “Sales Report” button


Data Definition


  • In-store orders for which patrons used a QR code to only accrue loyalty points (but not pay for the order) are excluded from reporting

    • In-store orders where patrons used the Scan-to-Pay feature (i.e., used a QR code to accrue loyalty points AND pay for the order) are included

    • This change was made based on Restaurant Partner feedback


  • For any date-related fields, the order fulfillment date is used rather than the date on which the order was placed

Time Zone

  • All metrics are reported in the UTC time zone

Defining Reporting Parameters

Date Range

  • To adjust the range of order fulfillment dates that are included in the report, click on the first of the three buttons above the table

  • The dropdown menu can be used to select one of the following pre-defined date ranges: Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month, This year, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year

  • Alternatively, you can also enter a custom range by either entering dates into the Start and End Date fields or selecting a range using the calendar on the right-hand side

  • After selecting the desired date range, click on the “Apply” button

  • By default, it is set to Yesterday


  • To adjust which locations should be included in the report, click on the Locations button above the table

  • Use the dropdown menu to select which location(s) should be included; multiple options can be selected

  • Alternatively, you can enter a location name directly in the “Search for Locations” field. As you type, the drop-down list will show locations or areas whose names closely match the input. Once you see the location of interest, check or uncheck the box

  • You can also use the “All” or “None” buttons in the top right-hand corner of the pop-up window to choose all locations or none

  • By default, all locations are selected

Reported Metrics



Total Amount

  • Sales + Tax + Tip + Service Charges - Discount - Applied Credit (loyalty redemptions)


  • Total Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

Check Average

  • Average GMV per order

  • Equals Sales / Order Count

Guest Count

  • Number of unique guests

Order Count

  • Number of orders fulfilled

Average Order Per Guest

  • The average number of orders per guest

  • Equals Order Count / Guest Count


  • Total taxes paid


  • Total tip paid

Service Charges

  • Total service charges applied, including delivery and pick-up fees


  • The total dollar amount of discounts applied

Discount Count

  • Number of orders with discounts applied

Loyalty Spent

  • The total dollar value of loyalty redemptions

Loyalty Spent Count

  • Number of orders with loyalty redemptions

Store Value Spent

  • Total preload or gift card balance applied

Store Value Spent Count

  • Number of orders with gift or preload card redemptions

Loyalty Spent Average

  • Average loyalty redemption per order among orders with loyalty redemptions

  • Equals Loyalty Spent / Loyalty Spent Count

Expanding and Collapsing Row Groupings

  • The first row of the table shows the total of each reported metric for the chosen date range and location(s)

  • In the following rows, each reported metric is shown at the location level

  • The arrow at the beginning of each row can be used to drill down the data further by the following criteria, in the following order:


NOTE: The order of these row groupings cannot be adjusted

Nesting Level





  • All locations on the Admin Dashboard



  • Android

  • App Subscription (Subscription orders)

  • Toast (Scan-to-Pay orders)

  • iOS

  • Web


Order Type

  • Pickup

  • Delivery

  • Dine In

  • Pocket Kiosk


Payment Method

  • Credit

  • Apple Pay

  • Google Pay

  • Please see the screenshot for an example of a fully expanded location

  • Clicking on the expand arrow in the column header row will fully expand or collapse all rows


Exporting Data

The enhanced Sales Report can create CSV exports of the report as aggregated & shown on the page or at the order level.

To create an export, click on the “More Actions” button above the table, and select one of the following options:

  1. Download Raw Data: if you want to create a detailed, order-level export

  2. Download View: if you want to recreate the report as shown on the Admin Dashboard

Download Raw Data

  • The “Download Raw Data” button creates an order-level export of the data, where each line item is a guest’s order

  • Once downloaded, the CSV file will contain the following columns:

Column Name



  • Order ID in the Lunchbox database

Client ID

  • Restaurant Group’s ID in the Lunchbox database

Restaurant Location ID

  • The ID of the Order Location in the Lunchbox database

Client Name

  • The name of the Restaurant Group

Location Name

  • The name of the Order Location

Ordered At

  • The date & time when the order was placed in the UTC time zone

Fulfilled at

  • The date & time when the order was fulfilled in the UTC time zone


  • The date on which the order was fulfilled in the UTC time zone



Patron ID

  • The guest’s User ID as shown on the Admin Dashboard

Patron Name

  • The guest’s first and last name


  • The platform on which the order was placed


  • The product through which the order was placed

Payment Method

  • The payment method used to pay for the order


  • Total GMV for the order


  • Total tax for the order


  • Total tip for the order

Service Charges

  • Sum of all service charges for the order, including any delivery or pickup fees


  • The total discount amount applied to the order (if any)

Loyalty Spent

  • The dollar value of loyalty redemptions (if any)

Stored Value Spent

  • The dollar amount paid with a gift or preload card (if any)


  • The total refund issued for the order (if any)

Total Amount

  • Sales + Tax + Tip + Service Charges - Discount - Applied Credit (loyalty redemptions that are not discounts)

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