New Location Onboarding - Toast POS
We are super excited that your restaurant is expanding and adding a brand New Location to Lunchbox 2.0.
Please complete the following tasks for Lunchbox to start configuring your new location.
1. Set up Location information & Location Code / Store ID
The Location Code / Store ID is used on the Lunchbox backend to identify the location. Additionally, it will be displayed on the end of the location-specific ordering URL. We suggest using a series of 3 numbers or letters.
❗Location Codes CAN NOT contain forward slashes (/)
❗Location Codes will be pulled directly from POS for Toast partners
Here is how to set up the location code in Toast:
Step 1: From the Toast Admin Dashboard select a location from the dropdown at the top of the site.
Step 2: Scroll down the homepage and click Marketing > Restaurant Info to confirm that your location’s number, name, address & phone number are correct.
Note: Your location’s address, phone number, and website will appear on the right side of the page.
Step 3: Should you need to update this information, click on the location Information link found in the blue bar
Step 4: Scroll down to edit the location code section and add a value.
Location Code (internal code used to identify between locations) and syncs with the Lunchbox Store #
RECOMMENDED: Please don't give API access until a location code has been added to Toast POS. If this occurs, Lunchbox will need to manually update the location code to match what was added to Toast.
2. Provide Toast API access / Location GUID
Lunchbox will use the location-specific GUID/Site ID to ensure the location is correctly synced between POS and Lunchbox backend. This ID will be imported from POS into Lunchbox. Please add the Lunchbox Integration to your Toast POS.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add the Lunchbox integration to Toast.
3. Set up Tax Rates
Lunchbox relies on Toast Menus as the source of truth for taxes. We recommend reviewing your tax rates across your locations before onboarding to ensure that the rates follow local and state taxes.
Here is how to set up tax rates
Step 1: In Toast Web, navigate to Payments > Tax rates.
Step 2: To set up a new tax, select + Add Tax Rate.
Step 3: On the setup page, you'll have options to configure this tax.
Here is more information on Toast Tax Rate Import.
4. Grant Lunchbox Employee Access to Multiple Locations
The Lunchbox employee must be granted access to the restaurant group(s) and its location(s).
NOTE: Non MLM Restaurants should have permissions granted store by store. MLM Restaurants can have permissions granted by Group using the restaurant access tab.
Here is how to make sure Lunchbox has access to configure your new location.
Step 1: On your Toast POS select the location
Step 2. Click on Employees
Step 3. On the search bar, type "Lunchbox" to check if permission was added
Step 5. Check if the email [email protected] was added and the account is active. Make sure to grant super admin access to all permissions and locations
Step 6: From the employee's detail page, click on the Restaurant Access tab.
Step 7: Check all necessary restaurant groups and restaurants next to Accessible Restaurants.
Step 8: Scroll to the bottom and click the Save button
5. Ensure the Menu you want to display in Lunchbox is targeted to the correct location or group in Toast
Step 1: To access the menu manager in Toast Web, navigate to Menus > Menu management > Edit Menus
Step 2: Ensure you are viewing the correct location in the top right corner. Then, use the drop-down under Target and Owner to select the location/group you wish to use this menu for
Note: If you use MLM, you'll also see a location drop-down that allows you to narrow your list to one more location or location groups.
6. Set up Prep Time for Takeout/Delivery
Step 1: Go to the Toast admin Dashboard and select Takeout/Delivery using the left-hand navigation bar. Scroll down to Quote Time Strategy and, using the drop downs, set the quote times for Takeout (Pickup) and Delivery.
Step 2: Click the Publish all changes to get these times to push to POS.
I need assistance with a New Location Onboarding
If at any point you have any questions about this process, please email [email protected] and [email protected]