DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is an essential security protocol that helps protect your domain from email spoofing and enhances the deliverability of your email campaigns. Setting up a DMARC record in Customer.io is vital to maintaining the integrity of your emails.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and verify your DMARC record within Customer.io.
Steps to Set Up Your DMARC Record
1. Create a DMARC Record
To begin, you need to create a DMARC record in the DNS settings of your domain name registrar. Follow these instructions:
Access Your DNS Configuration:
Log in to your domain registrar’s control panel where your DNS records are managed.
Create a New TXT Record:
Type: TXT
Host: _dmarc.mydomain.com (Replace "mydomain.com" with your actual root domain name)
Value: v=DMARC1; p=none
This basic DMARC policy (p=none) will allow you to monitor your email traffic without enforcing any actions on failed authentication checks. You can adjust this policy later as needed based on your monitoring results.
2. Verify Your DMARC Policy in Customer.io
Once you’ve created the DMARC record, you’ll need to verify it in Customer.io to ensure it’s correctly configured.
Verification Steps:
Go to the email settings in your Customer.io account.
Locate the domain you wish to verify.
Click the “Verify domain” button to confirm that your DMARC policy is correctly set up.
Refer to the image below for visual assistance on the verification process.
3. Handling Multiple Workspaces
Keep in mind that if your domain is used across multiple workspaces in Customer.io, you only need to set up the DMARC policy once. The verification will apply to all associated workspaces.
Additional Resources
For more detailed guidance on setting up DMARC and how it enhances your email deliverability, please refer to the following article: Ensure Email Deliverability by Setting up DMARC.
You can also refer to The essential guide to DMARC policies for marketers and email developers by Customer.io
Setting up and verifying your DMARC record in Customer.io is a crucial step in protecting your domain and ensuring your email campaigns are successfully delivered to your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure the security and reliability of your emails.