Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:
Location Management
This article will outline how to add and edit a location as well as how to make a store “Call Center Only”.
Table of Contents
Add a Location
To add a new location, you must have Chain Admin or Corporate Manager access and follow the below steps:
Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Locations Tab
Step 2: Click Add New Location:
Step 3: Enter the following required information:
Organization: (name of the organization that the restaurant belongs to)
Setup Type: (point of sale integration)
Store Number: (generated outside of LB Enterprise by the restaurant)
Note: Store Numbers CANNOT contain / forward slashes will break the location integration to apps and web. Lunchbox uses the Store # in the URL and having a / in the Store Number causes the URL to break.
Name: (guest-facing name that will appear in the location search)
Note: Location Name CANNOT contain / forward slashes will break the location integration to apps and web. Lunchbox uses the Location Name in the URL and having a / in the Location Name causes the URL to break.
Address: (address of the location)
Address 2
Postal Code
Time Zone
Location observes DST:
Phone Number:
Restrict orders to users with Call Center access: (require a user to have at least call center access or higher to access the location)
Checkin Spaces: (used for curbside pickup | quantity should equal the number of spaces where a car can park)
Allow Group Orders:
(if the client is enabling grouping functionality)Email Address for Orders: (email address to be used for sending order confirmations)
Locator Text: (text displayed on the frontend ordering site on the location listing)
Fax Notification:
(unless a restaurant partner is opting into fax notifications)Temp Fax Notification:
(unless a user is opting in for temporary fax notifications)ex: This setting sends a backup copy of the order to a fax machine on-premise.
Owner Name: (name of restaurant owner | comma separation can be used for multiple owners)
Owner Phone Number: (phone number of the restaurant owner | used by support or billing if needed)
Owner E-mail: (email address of the restaurant owner)
Loyalty Provider: (loyalty provider in use at the location)
Status: A location’s status can be set to…
Activation Requested
(needs to be set up and activated)Approved
(activation is approved)Canceled
(has churned or there was a billing issue)Closed
(is no longer in service)Live
(is active and allowed to accept orders)Live - Need Paperwork
(is active and is used for New Locations awaiting paperwork)Offline
(has been taken offline / no orders are being received. The customer is notified the location is not taking orders)Suspended
(used when there is a payment issue)
Order Reimbursement:
(set this)
Option: These settings may vary:
Order Based
(set this)Order Based Flat Discount
Subscription Fee: (dependent on the chain)
Credit Card
Test Store
(store is not in testing)Yes
(store is in testing)
Setup Dates
Requested Live Date: (date when the location would like to go live)
Initial Live Date: (date when the location was set to live:
Note: Latitude and Longitude fields will automatically populate once the address has been entered and store added.
Step 4: Finally, click Add New to officially create the new location.
Edit a Location
To edit an existing location, you must have Chain Admin or Corporate Manager access and follow the below steps:
Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Locations Tab
Step 2: Search and select the location you wish to edit:
Step 3: Once the Location page populates, click Edit Location:
Step 4: Make updates and edits to the location information and click Save:
Make a Location Call Center Only
For testing purposes or for placing a store online for Call Center Orders only, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Locations Tab
Step 2: Search and select the location you wish to edit:
Step 3: Once the Location page populates, click Edit Location:
Step 4: Select Yes from the drop-down menu for the field labeled Restrict orders to users with Call Center access:
Step 5: Click Save:
The location will now only be available for users that have Call Center access