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View Order Details
Updated over a week ago

View Order Details Overview

Once you locate your order, you can view the order details

Table of Contents

Order Details

The top section of the Order Detail shows the following information:

  • Order number

  • Escalated status

  • Adjustments

  • Payment Type

  • Service Type

  • Order Total

  • Total Payments

  • Refunded status

  • Group Order ID

  • Store ID, address, and phone number

  • Customer name, phone number, email and address

  • Customer Comments

  • Accepted time

  • Accepted by

  • Unaccepted time

  • Faxed

  • Order placement and ready time

  • Agent Handoff - This setting will display either…

    • No handoff - This means that the order has not sent to POS yet. This typically occurs while the order is in the process of transmitting. Try refreshing the screen and the order should convert to the status below

    • Time sent to POS - What time the order was sent to POS this time is listed in Military Time.

  • Order Source

  • Future Order

  • Prep Time

  • Order Status

Order History

The Order History section of the Order Detail shows the following information:

  • Time of order creation

  • Time of order placement

  • Time sent to POS

  • Time of order acknowledgment

  • Payment status

  • Current order status

Payment History

The Payment History section of the Order Detail shows the following information:

  • Order time

  • Card type and last 4 digits

  • Transaction

  • Amount

  • Status

  • AVS Match

  • Auth Code

  • Reference number

  • Errors

Email History

The Email History section of the Order Detail shows the following information:

  • When emails were sent

  • Who emails were sent to

  • Why emails were sent

  • Last attempt

  • Status


The Order Items section of the Order Detail shows the following information:

  • Guest name

  • Quantity of items ordered

  • Product ordered

  • Price each

  • Total price by item

  • Subtotal

  • Sales Tax

  • Total

  • Amount paid

  • Search for Orders

  • Cancel or Refund Order

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