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App Store & Google Play Store App Downloads
App Store & Google Play Store App Downloads

Looking to find how many times your Lunchbox App has been downloaded? Follow these instructions for the App and Google Play Store.

Updated over a week ago

iOS App Store Downloads

How to Find out how many times your Lunchbox App has been downloaded from the iOS App Store:

  1. First, log into your account at

  2. Confirm that you have access to Finance Reports so you can view the App Store Connect Dashboards.

  3. Navigate to Analytics and select the brand you would like to view:

  4. From here, you'll easily be able to see the Total Download for the time period selected:

Google Play Store Downloads

How to Find out how many times your Lunchbox App has been downloaded from the Google Play Store:

  1. Open Play Console and select an app.

  2. On the left menu, click Dashboard.

  3. Scroll down to the "Your KPIs" section.

  4. Click Choose KPIs.

  5. Browse the "All available metrics" section to find your KPIs. You can either create your own or choose from the suggested KPIs which include the following:

    • User growth and loss: Unique user acquisitions, audience growth, and churn.

    • Device growth and loss: Individual device installs, uninstalls, and updates; install base growth.

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