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All Collections2.0 Old Admin Dashboard
Users Role's Access & Management
Users Role's Access & Management
Joyce D. avatar
Written by Joyce D.
Updated over 2 months ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

Users Overview

The Users Tab is where you can search, create, edit, and assign roles to staff users for your chain.

User Roles

Lunchbox is configured to allow a tiered delegation of user management for access to the site. The below list explains each role’s access:

  • Call Center:

    • Access to the Call Center only. No access to the management tabs.

Note: This setting can we added to users with access to a single location.

  • Chain Admin:

    • Access to all tabs in management

    • Access to edit the Master Menu

    • Ability to create corporate users and chain admins or upgrade existing users’ access

    • Publish to 3PD Button

Warning: Granting access to Chain Admin Grants Access to all locations. If a user should only have access to select locations DO NOT use this setting and instead grant access via the Store Manager Tab.

  • Corporate Manager:

    • Access to update menu pricing/availability, business hours, service types, manage orders, and view reports for any store.

    • Corporate Managers have access to all management functions for all stores, but no Master Menu access

    • Publish to 3PD Button

Warning: Granting access to Corp Manager Grants Access to all locations. If a user should only have access to select locations DO NOT use this setting and instead grant access via the Store Manager Tab.

  • House Account Admin:

    • Access to create and view customer house accounts

    • Modify spending limits and accept payments

  • House Account Manager:

    • Access to view customer accounts and accept payments

  • Reports Manager (Corporate-level):

    • Able to access only Reports and Order Detail Tabs, but are not able to cancel or refund orders. Report Managers can be given access to issue refunds, if requested by the Chain.

  • Reports User (Corporate-level):

    • Able to access only Reports Tab, but are not able to export results, cancel or refund orders

  • Store Manager:

    • Update menu item pricing/availability

    • Business hours

    • Manage orders

    • View reports for any stores assigned to them

    • See the Location Manager Article for detailed permissions: Location Users Management

  • Kitchen Staff:

    • Observe Orders tab (OMS/Orders at restaurant they're assigned)

Note: Only users with Corporate or Admin access are able to view locations on the front end that are marked as a ‘test store’Adding Corporate Users

If you are a Chain Admin, you have the ability to create and upgrade existing users to a Chain Admin, Call Center, Corporate-level Report Manager, or Corporate Manager via the Users Tab

Add a New User

Note: When an account is created for someone they will not receive an email confirmation. Provide them with login details and have them update the password to their liking. If they have already created a guest account that you have added as an Admin User, simply provide them the link to log in to the LB Admin Dashboard.

To create a new user, follow these steps:

Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Users Tab

Step 2: Click Add an account for a new staff member at bottom of the page:

Step 3: Enter the new user’s information in the required fields

Step 4: Click Create Account

When you click Create Account, a new screen will open for you to continue setting up the user and their permissions

Step 5: Select the Chain Roles subtab and check the box(es) next to the role(s) you want to grant the user.

Step 6: Select the Store Manager, Store Report Manager and/or Kitchen Staff to assign access to the location or locations they will be managing.

Step 7: Once you have completed setting up permissions, click Save and it will save all subtabs and return you to the Users page.

Note: If you are adding a registered user that does not already have Management Access, you will need to select Show Inactive before searching

Locate/Edit an Existing User

To locate and edit an existing user, follow these steps:

Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Users Tab

Step 2: Search for a user by entering their name (case sensitive) and/or email address in the corresponding fields

Step 3: Select any additional search filters:

  • Show Inactive: enable this checkbox to include Inactive Users (users with no management access) in search results

  • Store Level: enable the checkbox to include Store Level Users in search results

Note: Name search is case-sensitive

Step 4: Click Search

Step 5: Once, the user has been identified, click on the User name in the search results to Edit User:

Step 6: Make any necessary updates on the appropriate subtabs - you can update user’s first and last name, password, assigned role(s)

Step 7: Click Save when done

Delete an Existing User

Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Users Tab

Step 2: Search for a user by entering their name (case sensitive) and/or email address in the corresponding fields

Step 3: Select any additional search filters:

  • Show Inactive: enable this checkbox to include Inactive Users (users with no management access) in search results

  • Store Level: enable the checkbox to include Store Level Users in search results

Note: Name search is case sensitive

Step 4: Click Search

Step 5: Once, the user has been identified, enable the checkbox to the left of the user that you wish to delete

Step 6: Click Delete

Activate/Deactivate User

Step 1: In the sidebar, navigate to and select the Users Tab

Step 2: Search for a user by entering their name (case sensitive) and/or email address in the corresponding fields

Step 3: Select any additional search filters:

  • Show Inactive: enable this checkbox to include Inactive Users (users with no management access) in search results

  • Store Level: enable the checkbox to include Store Level Users in search results

Note: Name search is case sensitive

Step 4: Click Search

Step 5: Deactivate a user by clicking the green button under the Status section (turning it red/disabled). Activate an inactive user by clicking the red button (turning it green/enabled)

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