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Locations Overview
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: This article is for Lunchbox 2.0 customers only. If your dashboard header looks the same as below, you are in the right place:

The Locations Tab is where you can view and edit a store’s address and contact information. This is also where you can see the last time the Agent has checked in the last menu export.

Table of Contents

Locations Tab

When navigating to the Locations Tab, you have the ability to switch between locations and see all of your location’s info on one screen for easy editing and important status updates as shown below:

WARNING: Location Names and Store Number should not contain a / we pull this name and use it in the URL for location specific links wich will break the URL integration on the 2.0 ordering site.

The information from the Locations Tab that is shown on the front end to the customer displays as below:

Things to note about the Locations Tab:

  • The geocode for each location is pulled from Google Maps. The Latitude and Longitude can be entered manually, if necessary.

  • Multiple email addresses can be entered into the ‘Email Address for Orders’ field by simply separating the addresses with a comma.

Store Statuses

Stores can be in a variety of statuses. Below explains what each status means:

  • Activation Requested: Store is ready to go live and activation has been requested, but there is still information outstanding

  • Approved: Store has been approved for service and can be placed online once ready

  • Canceled: Store has been taken offline but not closed (i.e., moved locations)

  • Closed: Location is permanently closed for business

  • Live: Store is active and able to accept online orders

  • Live - Need Paperwork: Store is active and able to accept online orders, but required paperwork is still outstanding

  • New: Location has been setup in our system but is not yet ready for activation

  • Offline: Store has been temporarily taken offline (i.e., internet issues)

  • Suspended: Location has been taken offline and cannot be re-activated without NovaDine’s approval (i.e., financial issues)

  • Temporarily Closed: Store has been taken offline for a limited period of time (i.e., remodeling)

Note: A store can be in Live status, but have the following conditions:

  • Closed for the day by ndadmin (or other user): this is usually due to the location being automatically taken offline for the day due to internet issues. The location may also take itself offline for the day if they are experiencing issues (closed due to inclimate weather, store repair, etc.)

  • Location is ONLY Active for users with Call Center access: this location can only accept orders through the Call Center. Customers are not able to order online

Note: A Test Location will show ‘Test Store’ in red beside the Store Status. Only users with Corporate Manager, Chain Administrator, NovaDine Support, and Call Center access can place orders at a test location.

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